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“Daffodil Portrait” · Thaw Malin Art

“Daffodil Portrait”

(click on image to enlarge)
“Daffodil Portrait”

“Daffodil Portrait”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″ oil on canvas panel, SOLD

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  1. Diana Moses Botkin’s avatar

    Hey it looks beautiful! All those quiet hours were spent wisely, I see! It’s lovely to see the flowers you’ve been painting. Do you have blooms already in your yard?

  2. Thaw’s avatar

    Thank you Diana. I wish these were from my yard. The last one was from my brother’s yard in Dallas. The other ones from the flower shop at Central Market where they always seem to have great blooms available. Keep watching, more will be popping up in the next few weeks!


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