“Last Of Winters Hay”

"Last Of Winters Hay"

“Last Of Winters Hay” , this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

As I passed by the hay to go down to the lower pasture to paint, I realized this was the last of the winter hay. If I didn’t paint it now, the cattle were going to eat it and there would be no more until next winter. I pulled the jeep up to were I wanted to unload my gear and started to set up. Whoa Bessie! One of the cows spotted me and the jeep and trumped to the others and they all came arunning. (One really does sound like an elephant trumpeting when mooing!) Before I could get a brush out to work, I was surrounded by inquisitve, hungry, black faces with large, pink, smacking tongues. One started licking the jeep and then they started mooing at me. When they got no response they headed over to the hay to munch on. The HAY!? I had to rush over twice to tell them off before they ate and trampled it all…

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