July 2009

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"Moon Path"

“Moon Path”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I was floundering about trying to find something to paint this evening. It had been ready to rain all day and finally started to spit an hour before sunset with gusts to 30. I changed locations by about 10 miles and found, to my delight, little wind, no spitting and a few patches of fading blue above me! No time to think… grabbed my gear and raced out into this meadow. It was 10 to 8. Sun sets at 8. The sky just tipped into orange above the cloud banks. Grabbed the biggest brush and zoomed until I couldn’t see what colors were being laid down… 5 flattened mosquitoes on left hand, 4 on right… get that moon in… oh! the orange… the water… the path… the green… the car… done…!

"Island Home"

“Island Home”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

The last time I was here at sunset, the sun was going down directly behind the far lighthouse and silhouetting the top. I missed my chance to paint it then. But 3 days later, the sun has already migrated south of the light and and won’t be back until next year. I feel like I sort of got a consolation prize with the light bouncing off the ferry boat…

"Fog Settles In"

“Fog Settles In”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

It was a warm day, but the fog made it feel cool. Even with the high humidity, the fog had a cooling effect when it touched you. The breeze had something to do with the cooling as well. It was actually pleasant to paint in and seemd to ground all the biting bugs. This was an added bonus around sunset time when this was painted…

"Right At Home"

“Right at Home”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

For a few years one could not get this close to the old brick water works building. The construction chain link fence has been taken down revealing a new painting opportunity. Of course, I had to take advantage of the situation complete with a friendly pair of Canada Geese! I am forever trying to get some red in my paintings and these old bricks in shadow are close enough. Red, the compliment of green, will always activate the greens in a landscape…

"One Day"

“One Day”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

Have you ever done something and said I’d like to do that again, except differently? That’s what I said when I looked at yesterday’s painting the day after I had finished it. So, here it is, except differently! I have been painting day lilies for a show all week and I felt that this scene needed a day lily up close…

"Moments Before Fog"

“Moments Before Fog”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

A warm sunny afternoon turned into a damp cool evening. The colors were suddenly muted as sunlight gave way to a swirling wet grey blanket which descended over everything. This view was the last gasp of sunlight streaming across the lawn…

"Water Still"

“Water, Still”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

A calm evening at the water’s edge. A great time to catch no-see-ums!…

"Day Lily Dancer"

“Day Lily Dancer”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

The day lilies are out in full force right now. Some flower beds are impossibly alive with many different varieties and riots of color. The best part for the painter is that a lot of the flowering is right in your face at eye level. No leaning over or sitting down to capture the best view…

"A Panoply Of Sky"

“A Panoply of Sky”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

After poking around at a few different painting locations, I settled on this open sky spot. I was ever hopeful the sun would find an entry point in the clouds as it started to set. It got better than this, but then so did the mosquitoes and I hate using repellant…


“Reflecting”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This recently painted lighthouse still has the reflective quality of the new paint at sunset. With 2 regattas going on this weekend, I had lots of sailing ships pass me by as I painted….

To purchase, please click Go to my eBay auction, Bidding starts at $100.00 US.

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