“Wake Up Call”

"Wake Up Call"

“Wake Up Call”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

A beautiful, but cool start to the day. It didn’t last much past the mid morning when a cloud blanket moved in. A sunny start lifts the spirits and is always appreciated no matter what happens to the rest of the day…

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  1. debbie swartz kirby’s avatar

    dear mr. malin I was talking to my sisterinlaw on outober 2nd and she wass decribing a painting that he had done. similar to your wake up call .her name is louise swartz. they way she described her new found love of oil painting made you fell like you were there on the sandy dune right beside her looking on.some day when i get up to marth vineyard i hope to meet you ps. i love your painting


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