April 2010

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"Ebb Tide"

“Ebb Tide”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

When I chose this location, the view was less than stellar. The near shore had just gone into shadow with the tips of the grasses still in golden light. The far point had merly started its transition to this evening gold. The sky had yet to change out of its stiff, blue suit. I was intrigued by the exposed rock and seaweed left by the receding tide. (I admit to a half hearted search for arrow heads as I ambled back to my van for paints.) After I had set up against some bushes just out of reach of the breeze, the magic started. Two crows flew in to flip pebbles in their search for delicacies until my need to clean a brush sent them scowling off. A boy standing on a paddle board fluttered by… an elephant fell out of the sky… oh, sorry, wrong time line…

"Broken Skies"

“Broken Skies”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

Rain and sprinkles were off and on. Skies were dramatic all day, but never safe enough to paint. My van became my movable studio with hopes of sunset drama. Found a spot just out of the car shaking wind, yet with water and sky views. The show came on suddenly, and just as rapidly was gone. The muted landscape colors gave added emphasis to the orange sun streaked skies…

"Mist and Fiddleheads"

“Mist and Fiddleheads”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

The day was rain. Then mist. A small break before six… I took it. 45 minutes of dry. The mist came back with a vengeance. Spit… Packed up quickly. Made it….

"Splish Splash"

“Splish Splash”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

A northeast breeze and almost full moon tide made for a noisy beach today. The rollers came in and punched up and down the shoreline I was on. One splash off the rock I was painting flew just over my shoulder. Quitting time…!

"Another Day"

“Another Day”, this is not quite so small a painting, 9″x 12″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Note: I ran out of my usual small panels. This is a 9″ x 12″ painting (larger than my normal 6″ x 8″)… A beautiful evening to be painting above a cliff as the sun settles over the horizon. Waves lap against the sand below. A Northern Harrier swoops low overhead on a flight across to Nomans Island in front of me. I stayed even after I could see no more to paint. The water colors at this time of evening against a fading sky have been spectacular for the past few nights. I am preparing myself to do a piece this late in the day, but the light gives me no chance to mix the colors I want. It is just too dark to see color, only values on a gray scale…

"Storming Up"

“Storming Up”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

My judgement was off and rain came while I still painted near the steps. Nothing serious because the car was close and the rain was slow to build into a down pour. But, what drama over water and sky! The sun popped for 10 seconds betwixt clouds and earth, a soft, muted, orange ball. I had painted everything except the orange streak, not expecting more than that. It was worth every rain drop…

"Spring In The Air"

“Spring In The Air”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I was introduced to this yellow blossoming magnolia tree a week and a half ago. I have been watching and patiently waiting for the full bloom to come. I received the email early this morn that today was my day. I have not been disappointed. It is a magnificent creamy yellow citricy color, quite different from the whites and the pink blush white blossoms I usually have painted. A real challenge to create out of a limited value range of yellows and still stay on track. There are no pure white highlights, but the lightest light yellows. I did cheat and put in 2 areas of white on top of the yellow highlights just to give it a final push against the subtler darker yellow values. But they do not read as pure white as the traces of the underpainting of yellow contaminate the attempt…

"Where Oysters Hide"

“Where Oysters Hide”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

A quiet place to paint and contemplate. A stop to smell the roses. A beautiful place for sunset and sometimes making new painter friends. Even if they are only 5 years old…

"Sunset Squall"

“Sunset Squall”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I had no ideas of painting the ferry when I pulled up to the dock to check the harbor, weather and wind direction. But, there it was, begging for a portrait. Knowing it was halfway unloaded and I would only have it for 10 more minutes before departure I worked at fever pitch. Looking up I saw this slight glow on the belly of the squall line coming in. The next minute it was a full blown glow made more so by the dark of the impending squall. The boat set off as rain began sprinkling down. I moved to a nearby porch to finish up in the quickly fading light…

"Quitsa Strider"

“Quitsa Strider”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

It was raining or misting all day. No chance of doing more than a set-up through the van window. Gray sky tried to give me some color at sunset, but barely a blush came through. I am grateful that fishermen like color in their lives….

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