May 2010

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"Not Working"

“Not Working”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

It was a rainy evening in the fishing port of Menemsha. I sat in my car and worked on this with no interruptions. All the fleet seemed to be in and the crew were all at home, waiting for a better day. This pile driver has been in the vicinity for a few weeks. It has been tempting me for a while…

"May Moon"

“May Moon”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This view always makes me feel as if I’m at the top of the island. Dramatic light makes it feel more so. As the daylight faded to moonlight, I was finishing up and four different “invisibilities” of Whip-poor-wills, in as many directions began to serenade me. Climbing back down from the ridge top I became aware of even more calling off in the distance. Besides their call being so distinctive, they are themselves, not quite like any other birds out there…

"Cliffs Above"

“Cliffs Above”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I had a beautiful hike to get to this view. It was a favorite fishing spot when I was younger and you could still walk straight down the cliffs and straight back up with 40 lbs of fish at night! Now the path parallels the cliff tops for it seems a mile before you may access the beach. Then walk the mile back again along the shore to get around to this corner of the cliffs. The wind was mild and right. Sun out all day and tide couldn’t get any lower, yet kept getting lower! A lone bird watcher passed me and I was alone with gentle surf sounds at my back and a gull or two gliding softly overhead…

"Spring Green"

“Spring Green”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Today was the first day of real green back in the landscape. The dune grasses, beach roses and some of the trees are now dangling green leaves and blades. It has felt like a long wait for this moment to arrive. A joyous moment indeed!!!

"Hunt and Peck"

“Hunt and Peck”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $550.00 USD

Three of the twelve chickens I have been taking care of for the past two weeks. They are very people friendly and allow me to pick them up, if I wish to. One night I arrived after sundown to put them in their henhouse. Usually they go in without any help as soon as the sun sets. I found the coop door partially closed with three inside. Three huddled in a pile against the wire of the coop near the door. And that was it. The wind must have slammed the door closed with three in place. I got all 6 in but spent 45 minutes with a flashlight before finding 5 in the branches of the blueberry bushes next to the henhouse. Now I was afraid maybe a raccoon had strolled in… I kept circling the henhouse and finally found the last one above my head hidden in the branches of a holly tree. I carefully grabbed hold of her and placed her with the others. Safe and sound. The door now has a rock holding it open during daylight hours. It has been fun observing them and their habits in preparation for this painting…


“Sunblind”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Tortured skies have appeared before sunset recently. Only to be trumped by magical settings. As it happened this eve, I expected rain upon my walk to this dune top before the clearing would commence. Dry I stayed as sky went into its multi-colored wrappings. I was so excited by my good fortune, and was able create two paintings before the final curtain call. This one is the earlier, mellower sky. The second I will post in a few more days (just so no one gets bored by the same place two days in a row)…

"Windy Beach"

“Windy Beach”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

It was a beautiful warm and sunny day, until this island crossed paths with a few cool, dark thunder cells towards evening. I was forced to work in my van to create this painting. It only just cleared at sunset, bestowing a glowing radiance on top of and underneath the remaining clouds. The sky and the clearing manifested many surprising choices to put onto my canvas…


“Harborside”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

The fog was rolling in. The harbor is usually the last place to be fogged in. This is due to the configuration of the landmass and the fact that fog generally comes in from the ocean side of the island before the Sound side. The Lagoon was already choking up. Painting here was my best and last hope of beating the fog and darkness…

"Dusk Light"

“Dusk Light”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This is one of the rare views of the Gay Head Lighthouse with a sunset backdrop. Most public viewing is from the south or west of the light. With close to 30 pounds of gear, it is a 1/3rd of a mile hike downhill from parking at 190 feet above sea level to near sea level and then back uphill again. Always great to get there and great to get back to the van before dark sets in. No coyotes passed me on my return that I could see. A few bats flew across my path, but I relish their presence as they are mosquito vacuums with wings! If I have judged everything correctly, the light should be good when I get there and the wind will not be funneled up the path directly at me. This evening was a sweet night down there…