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“Right Fork Path” · Thaw Malin Art

“Right Fork Path”

"Right Fork Path"

“Right Fork Path”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD

I managed to get to Edgartown to paint, but was not thrilled with my planned locations. So I drove around and ended up by South Beach. There was a bit of a wind, but it kept my not so favorite insects away from me. It was also nice to be up on a dune to watch the sun go down…

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  1. Michael Morse’s avatar

    AWESOME! You are a very brave artist….because you have brought love, life, joy and fresh air to a often ill-painted vista.
    It’s not so easy writing great love poems, but I feel you have done it here. Thank you, Thaw!!


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