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“Rollers” · Thaw Malin Art



“Rollers”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Rain came down most of the day. When it wasn’t rain it was mist or drizzle. Radar showed there might be an hour window of just plain clouds, no moisture, toward the end of the day. I took the chance, scouting when I got to this beach using my iPhone camera to take photos. I went back to the van to get my paints and mull over the photos. No sooner was the door shut than it poured. I was able to manipulate the van into a painting position and worked until dark with the wipers on and off and on and off. It was a grand sea out there. Big rollers were continually pitched against the cliffs below, probably from the force of a nearing tropical depression. It was tempting to jump in, but for the fact that I was alone and the cliff stair was missing the bottom 2/3rds steps…

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  1. morgan’s avatar

    I am one of lg lemons students i LOVE this painting because i LOVE the ocean.


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