“Toward the Light”

"Toward The Light"

“Toward the Light”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Another drismal day from rain to fog to falling mist. I waited out the mist while sitting in my van watching the weather radar start to clear. At the last possible moment, gathering up my gear, I hiked down from a few hundred feet above sea level to zero. With a fisherman’s sweater, parka and snow-pants, I was way overdressed for the hike down and had to peel off layers when I set up top of a large, 6 foot high boulder. It was flat calm, no air moving. I simmered in my remaining clothes as I frantically used up the 40 minutes until dark balancing my colors. The walk back up hill was swift and strenuous in the dark, raising my boots higher than normal upon each step so as not to trip on the now unseen rocks in the path…

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