November 2012

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"Harbor Moon"

“Harbor Moon”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

At different times, I have sailed by, walked by, driven by, gotten close and moved afar to view this black hulled vessel. The large shape and oh so dark a black is not a color subject I would normally choose. But the mystery of ship drew me to it. I chose an evening with a falling breeze and donned my winter gear to keep me warm in the cold of the shadows as I worked. The ticking time bomb of the leaving light kept me focused and working fast. Painting from top to bottom, as I got to the details of docks and boat, the moon unexpectedly appeared. While it climbed the heavens as I moved my paints, I held my breath for fear my time was up and it would disappear before it reached it full splendor just about the eastern cloud bank…


“Chocolates”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I have not done a still life in a long time, but I have been eating chocolates. This time I had some pieces to spare. It was also nice to be working in the warm studio for a change, too.

"Signs Of Fall"

“Signs Of Fall”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I almost missed this painting opportunity. I love the views in the fishing village of Menemsha. Concentrating on the boats in port and their respective docks and gear, I almost didn’t see the colors of the far shore. It is full of a patch of rosa rugosa, locally known as beach rose. Usually a full, deep green color with red/pink or white roses, it opens its blooms early in spring. The scent, mixed with the aroma of the sea salty air, is a heady nose full of the summer to come. This particular stand had all turned a rusty yellow orange, stacked one atop the other marching up the hillside. On this bleak cold, almost snowy day, they were a welcome warming sight to behold…

"Distant  Dunes"

“Distant Dunes”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Out of the breeze in a sunny location with Africa just over the far dunes (thousands of miles away), I studied one of my favorite trees. Its leaves, I thought, were brown, in reality were a dark shade of red. As the sun popped in and out between the clouds, the leaves turned on and off from illuminated red to a duller red/brown…

"In The Autumn"

“In The Autumn”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

The temperature has been dropping along with rain and leaves as the color of the land slowly changes from greens, reds, golds, oranges, browns to lavenders and grays. The setting sun, although moved from north of west to south of west still casts its charm upon the unsuspecting evenings. Drab views attain a golden radiance at this hour, mostly unsurpassed in summer months. Sights, unseen in green, now come slowly forth as the backbone of the ridges, hills and vales appear. As we dream about our gardens past, the season shifts and we are thankful, once again…

"After The Hurricane"

“After The Hurricane”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I began this image 2 days after hurricane Sandy rolled by. I returned a few more times during similar lighting conditions to finish it. Got caught up in the storm which came in on the tail of the hurricane. Contracted a bad flue which appears rampant in these parts. Now here I am 10 days later, finished…