January 2013

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"January Fog"

“January Fog”

“January Fog”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Warm, but windy, had me in the lee of the low cliffs by the Herring Creek on Menemsha Pond. Besides bobbing Red-breasted Mergansers and swooping seagulls, the fog wrapped me up in silence. The tide was low and the boulders had soft edges in the shadowless light. When finished, I rewarded myself with a chocolate chip cooky from just up the road at Orange Peel Bakery…

"Winter Boat"

“Winter Boat”

“Winter Boat”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Today I thought I wouldn’t get any painting done. Last night, while doing some demolition on our soon to be home and studio, I accidentally hit my thumb with a hammer and large pry-bar against a wall stud. I had gloves on and no one heard me swear! It was not until I awoke this am that I realized I should see my doctor, and then X-ray at the hospital. It really only hurts when I laugh, I mean, bend my left thumb. At a half hour before dark I left hospital and pulled over before the drawbridge to catch a view of the harbor and over towards Woods Hole before dark. I was very antsy to paint after all the cold weather these last few days and having to stay inside. I took a few requisite photos of the view, ogled some sea ducks bobbing near me and said to myself, “if I just set up my easel, something will appear to paint…”. The foreground spoke to me and a ferryboat came past delivering souls to the other side which made my background! And it was just plain good to be out with my paints again… ( Now, back in the studio, the Dr. just called to alert me to a bone chip by my thumb knuckle seen in the X-ray. Oh, what will they do to me tomorrow. I can’t imagine. To be continued, I hope!).…

"Snow And Ice"

“Snow And Ice”

“Snow and Ice”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

With no back up plan, I was taking my chances driving all the way out to Quansoo Beach hoping to find a view to paint. It was beautiful getting there with the fields along the way covered with recently fallen snow. At the first field I parked and took a photo of the shadows across the old farm road which bisected it. Oh, it was wicked cold out there and I knew any painting done would be from inside my van. This became crystal clear when I saw my car keys locked in the van and I had to find my hide-a-key under the car with cold, bare hands. Coming near the end of the dirt road I realized that no one had driven this far out since the snow storm two days ago. I rounded the last corner out of the scrub oak and shrubbery into the clear, grassy area next to the creek behind the dunes. What usually is a large expanse of parking by the bridge was being crowded out by the high pond and creek water level covered with a few inches of ice. It was a soft, brackish ice and I dared not cross it even just to get on the bridge. But the light was magic, reflecting evening sun off the new wood of the repaired rails and deck of the bridge. The dark, low lying snow clouds added a rich element to the lightness of snow on sand and tawny, winter’s beach grass…

"In The Cool Of Winter"

“In The Cool Of Winter”

“In The Cool Of Winter”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I was late scouting for a location to paint and got here at Cove Road just at sundown. With no more light on land and water reflecting sky, both water and sky were luminesce. Silhouettes began to form the land as color and detail receded…



“Abandoned”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

This abandoned boat by the Old Hunt Place has caught my eye for a few months. With the fog coming in and out, then in again, it seemed like a good, overcast day to paint here. I found some bluebirds on the way and otters and a large flock of Canada Geese patrolling along the waterway behind the dunes. All the while I was serenaded by the sounds of surf just over the horizon…

"West Chop Meadow"

“West Chop Meadow”

“West Chop Meadow”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

My inner voice told me to go to West Chop to paint this afternoon. I thought I was supposed to go all the way to the beach and jetty. The universe had a different idea. How about a January sailboat out and about in the middle of a warmish day…? (There were actually 2 sailboats out, but only this one caught my fancy.)

"Sheep, Allen Farm"

“Sheep, Allen Farm”

“Sheep, Allen Farm”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I caught a glimpse of these sheep as I was driving by. A quick turn around and pull over and I was painting. Wind was blowing with rain threatening on the radar screen as I tried to capture the moment. I jumped in the van, thinking I could finish in the driver’s seat as the rain began, but the sheep had other ideas and headed toward the barn. I returned another cloudy day to finish…

"Short Beach Light"

“Short Beach Light”

“Short Beach Light”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

The first sunny evening in a while found me on the shores of Menemsha Pond. These rocks reflected back the last few minutes of the sun’s golden light before it set. Under these conditions at this time of year, the pond has a particular blue sheen as it reflects the evening sky…

"Holiday Light"

“Holiday Light”

“Holiday Light”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Happy New Year! I began this right after Christmas, but family festivities kept from finishing until now…