
New Paintings is inspired by a New York Times article about a British painter living in Provence. Julian Merrow-Smith, who is living his dream out in the French countryside and selling his paintings-a-day on his blog site. He, in turn, is inspired by Duane Keiser who has been creating and selling a painting a-day for a number of years on Ebay.

I have used them as my models. My web designer has combined the best parts of both of their endeavors. I am now able to keep focused on what I do best, creating my paintings and exhibiting them here for your enjoyment.

If you have any comments about my art or suggestions for improvements to my web site, please feel free to email me: thaw(at)thawmalinart(dot)com . Thank you for visiting.

  1. Shanti Marie’s avatar

    I like your blog or is it a web site… it has a feel of a web site. Anyway, your art is wonderful! if you would like to exchange link, I would happy to do that. Shanti Marie


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