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I WORK EN PLEIN AIR, OUT IN THE COUNTRYSIDE… Welcome. I am back to painting again after a sabbatical that included a few pieces done for charitable fund raisers. I am continuing to make small, 6" x 8", landscape oils, but not every day. I am also working on larger pieces. Every time I finish a painting, I will place it here on my website. If you see something you'd like to purchase, email me. Thank you for enjoying my work and keeping me creating new pieces. Your interest stimulates and inspires me and has made me a better painter. Sign up for my emails and I will send you an image of each new painting. I love to paint and am happy to share my painting experience with you. Most of my work is impressionistic landscape oils, inspired by the beauty of the Island of Martha's Vineyard where I live. · Thaw Malin Art
"Blue Moon Sail"

“Blue Moon Sail”

“Blue Moon Sail”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I painted most of this a few days back and only now have had enough time in my studio to finish it. The evening was gorgeous and the larger ferry, “Island Home”, passed through the rising moon and my location here. Tempted as I was to place it in the painting, this catboat came sailing in as the light faded and I knew it was a better choice…

"Saturday Race"

“Saturday Race”

“Saturday Race”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

These Menemsha Pond races have been in my mind all summer to paint. Weather or my schedule, or memory has kept me from them until now. And I’m sure the sailors are much better close to the end of the season than they would have been had I painted them earlier this year!…



“Arboretum”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

The rhododendrons were still in bloom when I began this piece. I found it hanging about in my studio looking dejected. Today the sun was out just as it was when I started. A perfect evening to finish and a bonus, no mosquitos! I had fun playing with the field color and then adding the blue to the stones to pull out the shadows. A reverse of what usually happens in a landscape, the blue recedes the background and the green/yellow warmth of the field normally signals closeness to the foreground…



“Chilmarsh”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This is a beautiful section of marsh around a small island as seen from the boat launch by Quitsa bridge. I used my artist’s license to remove a few objects to have an unobstructed view. I have been intrigued by this area for many years, but was never quite sure how to capture it until now. The late afternoon sunlight and resultant shadows add much drama to the scene…

"Weather Watch"

“Weather Watch”

“Weather Watch”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Sunsets bring mobs of visitors here to the cliffs to see the sun go down and the cliff colors and the lighthouse. With only 2 cars when I pulled up, it rained until almost sundown. I had to sit in my van and watch my iPhone radar to be assured it was going to stop just in time to rush up the stairs and paint. Exactly on cue it cleared. I had about 20 minutes to go, but it was fun the whole time…



“Lobsterville!”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Considering how frantic this island is in summer, especially mid August, on a weekend and with the President here, I was all alone at the beach as far as I could see. I even got my fishing rod out after this painting and tempted the gods of fish. Three other souls joined me at dusk, thrashing the waters for naught. But, what a beautiful night in Lobsterville!…

"V.H. By The Bridge"

“V.H. By The Bridge”

“V.H. By The Bridge”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I have been here many times, but never noticed the summer shadows at this hour before. I had to stop to let someone pass. That is when I knew it was a painting waiting to be plucked…

"Brickyard Sail"

“Brickyard Sail”

“Brickyard Sail”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

After balancing my equipment on a hillside, I was able to peer through a lace of leaves and branches to capture this view. This is a summer drama, as only then does the sunlight hit the left face of the old chimney leaving this side in dark contrast…

"Full Of Air"

“Full Of Air”

“Full of Air”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

There were many sailboats out both days that I worked on this. Today’s sky was way too dramatic to put in as it would have rained on me had I not stopped early. The clouds have been great, building up into towering fleece in the late afternoons…

"Herring Creek To Menemsha"

“Herring Creek To Menemsha”

“Herring Creek to Menemsha”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. USD $750.00

Time marched toward dusk. I became sidetracked by the sailboat getting underway by the beach around left. The reflection of sail in water was tempting me to paint there, yet the background was far too distant. More sailors jumped in and they were off. I moseyed over to the herring dock above the creek, content to paint the blue motor boat. The sun passed behind a thunderhead. My light was dimmed. I began laying in the shapes and then sky began to glow, and glow, and glow. Suddenly, it seemed, the sails passed by in the background as I glanced up. Joy was had by all…

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