“Zen Of Fog”
“Zen of Fog”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.
This was a chancy view to paint. It looked like rain any second, and, well, I would have been better off if it had. I only stayed out for 40 minutes. When I left, my glasses were unusable, all my gear had water droplets on it. My easel was dripping rivulets onto my palette. My roll of paper towels, you know how much water Bounty holds, I had to unroll it to dry at home! If it had just rained, I would have gotten the hint much faster. The colors were so stimulating in their spring mode yet soften by the fog and distance. I have painted this path before. It actually goes up and down the dune and also around it to the left, in case you don’t feel like up and down. However, in this light it has an other worldly feeling to it.…