bee hives

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“Bee Home”

"Bee Home"

“Bee Home”

“Bee Home”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I was drawn to the block-like shapes and white and blue shadows of these bee homes contrasted against the afternoon light on the wily, encroaching landscape. While enjoying the steady, gentle hum from these working hives, I kept hearing a subtle snorting and stamping from the other side of the blueberry bushes down the lane. I was thinking deer, as it is just about rutting season, when two haltered horses burst past me at full gallop. Turned out they were escapees from the neighbor’s paddock and soon enough were rounded up and lead home…

"Honey by the Meadow"

“Honey by the Meadow” , this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

It was sunny earlier. Then it got rainy later. I was hoping to paint bales of hay being made, but the weather was too threatening for the farmers. The bees were not threatened and kept right on collecting nectar and pollen. They let me get pretty close before I got buzzed, but not stung. Then a slow gentle rain finally drove me off. I was just about through anyway…