“Harbor Moon”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.
At different times, I have sailed by, walked by, driven by, gotten close and moved afar to view this black hulled vessel. The large shape and oh so dark a black is not a color subject I would normally choose. But the mystery of ship drew me to it. I chose an evening with a falling breeze and donned my winter gear to keep me warm in the cold of the shadows as I worked. The ticking time bomb of the leaving light kept me focused and working fast. Painting from top to bottom, as I got to the details of docks and boat, the moon unexpectedly appeared. While it climbed the heavens as I moved my paints, I held my breath for fear my time was up and it would disappear before it reached it full splendor just about the eastern cloud bank…