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boat · Thaw Malin Art


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"Menemsha Creek Fog"

“Menemsha Creek Fog”

“Menemsha Creek Fog”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Usually, I paint first and then, maybe, fish after. Today I was scouting near the Creek and found a fisherman below me in the water. Said he just had a large bass on, but it snapped his 12 lb. test line. That was all I needed to hear. It was too hot for waders, so I changed into my bathing trunks, grabbed my rod and jumped in. An hour later, my mind was drifting from fish to landscape and how beautiful it was down here with the fog in the distance trying to roll over all…

"West Basin Fog"

“West Basin Fog”

“West Basin Fog”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

Luckily there were no 15 to 30 mph winds today as there seemingly have been for the last few weeks. However, it absolutely poured rain. All day. Just before sunset, the radar showed it was gone. In its place was a wicked thick fog. Again. Even though the skies still looked like rain, I ventured out. I soon found myself headed back to Lobsterville and the West Basin in Aquinnah. I had no plan in mind, except that maybe I would catch dinner when finished painting. After circling around Captain Buddy Vanderhoop and his charter fishing boat, Tomahawk, on its trailer in the end parking lot, having some out of water work done to it, I backed into the visitor lot. I set up under my opened lift-gate, just in case the radar was wrong, at least I would have half my gear under cover. As it got gloomier with more fog shifting about, I could hear Captain Buddy maneuvering his rig into the launch shoot. As I, too, finished my task, I came to realize how wet it was on everything outside my van. Even my glasses had fogged up. I was lucky to see enough to paint. Driving back, I stopped by the 1st parking lot to fish, only to find 20 other fishermen already in place, waders on, slicker hoods up, casting into the gloaming. I soon enough joined them and slipped into their picket line of moving rods. I worked the water for an hour with a few hits on each of my 2 favorite lures, but they were all very small striped bass, schoolies as we call them. It was a nice cocoon like feeling standing 20 feet out in water up to my thighs. Surrounded by fog and near darkness, I could barely see the comrades on either side even when one had to switch on his headlamp to untangle his line or unhook a small fish. The rhythm of the undulating water was in itself mesmerizing in the muffled night. Slowly, the line thinned as each and every fisher-person realized we had been fooled, there were no big ones out there tonight.…

"Before Fog Lobsterville"

“Before Fog Lobsterville”

“Before Fog, Lobsterville”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Though it was in the 70’s midday, at the hour I painted this view I regretted having retired my hooded parka for the summer season. It is always 5 or 10 degrees cooler at ocean level in spring. Today was no different and a breeze amplified the coolness. The fog cloud moving in from the ocean side, to the left, kept getting thicker and wider as I worked, but never got to the west of me to block the sunset light. The two Killdeer I saw the last four times I was there were nowhere to be seen. Perhaps they had fledged a brood and were busy playing follow the leader among the dunes…

"Ship To Shore"

“Ship To Shore”

“Ship to Shore”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

This was out at Quansoo beach. The Tisbury Great Pond was so full of storm wash-over seawater, rain and snow runoff that the parking lot was almost totally submerged. The water to the left of the pond skiff was covering a parking area. The skiff was on top of the creek bank, not in the creek. And I was in my van out of the wind and with dry feet. In the near future, a bucket-loader will rumble down the beach to dig a trench from pond to sea. Pond water level will drop at least 2 or 3 feet and become tidal until the opening is closed again by the sea filling it with sand. It was last opened in January and stayed that way for most of a month…

"7pm, Here They Come"

“7pm, Here They Come”

“7pm, Here They Come”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I was enjoying the subtle sunset light at Eastville Beach while trying to decide where to go to paint. Well… why go anywhere else! As it was cold and windy, I started work in my van. Still getting use to the time change, I sort of hoped that a ferry might pass into my scene. I was not sure what boat or from which direction it might appear. This is the “Nantucket”, built in 1974. It services the Vineyard in winters and its name sake island in summers. A worthy subject for today’s painting…

"Edgartown Great Pond"

“Edgartown Great Pond”

“Edgartown Great Pond”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

Today was a cold breezy one. After choosing this subject, I realized I would have to sit in my car and paint. Although this boat is floating, it has a lot of water in it from last weekend’s rains. It is lower than normal with no waterline showing…

"Dragger Trip"

“Dragger Trip”

“Dragger Trip”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

The weather was raw but not rough as this dragger headed out on a fishing trip. I was lucky to find one near shore. They usually are farther away. There is less to paint and thus harder to describe with my brush…

"Slow on the Creek"

“Slow on the Creek”

“Slow On The Creek”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

The buoy angle let me know it was just around high tide on Menemsha Creek. When the waters rush in or out, the buoy not only is almost submerged by the push on it, but it lists at more than 45º. (I always wonder how much weight is holding it in place on the bottom of the Creek.) As the rain squall moved in I had to totally close my windows to keep dry. The wet brings out color and more contrast in the landscape, just as the gray of the clouds dulls the blue-green of the Creek and forces the any other colors forward. I was especially needing something red to paint in all the rain at the end of this day and the channel marker was just right…

“Woods Hole”

"Woods Hole"

“Woods Hole”

“Woods Hole”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I had three location choices for this painting. One required a long walk through woods and maybe snow drifts to arrive at a long beach walk. Two was a short beach walk. Three was possibly traveling down an un-snow-plowed lane and a walk down 5 or 6 stories of beach stairs. I attempted #3 first. The lane was plowed as was the parking lot. Snow on the stairs was almost non existent. I dallied on top taking scouting photos and checking for wind and temperature. Deciding on full winter attire, I returned to my van to gear up. I grabbed the rest of my coffee, a chocolate bite and container of mixed nuts to fuel my furnace as I painted. I descended down the stairs, stopping at each landing for more precision photos of potential views. The last landing was a killer. I was trapped 20 feet above the beach. Winter storms had left only steep, weeping-wet clay between me and the sands below where once was the bottom most set of stairs. I had stepped in clay like that before. Not only is it slippery on an incline, but it sticks to everything it touches like honey, in a bad sort of way. On the beach directly beneath were more boulders at the waters edge casting great, long, blue shadows from the waning sun. I just couldn’t reach them. As I worked, the sun set and lights across the way in Woods Hole slowly flickered on. They were soon followed by the lights of the evening ferryboat chugging into its homeport…

"Bait Barrels"

“Bait Barrels”

“Bait Barrels”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

It was cold and blowing outside. I stayed in my van and painted this scene. Just before, my fisherman friend left his vessel and headed home for the day. The harbor remained quiet. As I worked a detail of US Coast Guardsmen and k-9 marched behind me out to their boat for practice maneuvers…

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