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"Winter Boat"

“Winter Boat”

“Winter Boat”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Today I thought I wouldn’t get any painting done. Last night, while doing some demolition on our soon to be home and studio, I accidentally hit my thumb with a hammer and large pry-bar against a wall stud. I had gloves on and no one heard me swear! It was not until I awoke this am that I realized I should see my doctor, and then X-ray at the hospital. It really only hurts when I laugh, I mean, bend my left thumb. At a half hour before dark I left hospital and pulled over before the drawbridge to catch a view of the harbor and over towards Woods Hole before dark. I was very antsy to paint after all the cold weather these last few days and having to stay inside. I took a few requisite photos of the view, ogled some sea ducks bobbing near me and said to myself, “if I just set up my easel, something will appear to paint…”. The foreground spoke to me and a ferryboat came past delivering souls to the other side which made my background! And it was just plain good to be out with my paints again… ( Now, back in the studio, the Dr. just called to alert me to a bone chip by my thumb knuckle seen in the X-ray. Oh, what will they do to me tomorrow. I can’t imagine. To be continued, I hope!).…



“Abandoned”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

This abandoned boat by the Old Hunt Place has caught my eye for a few months. With the fog coming in and out, then in again, it seemed like a good, overcast day to paint here. I found some bluebirds on the way and otters and a large flock of Canada Geese patrolling along the waterway behind the dunes. All the while I was serenaded by the sounds of surf just over the horizon…

"Chappy Ferry"

“Chappy Ferry”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

The weather was cold and windy for this painting. When I went out the next day to finish it was off and on rainy. Had to sit and paint from my car both days, but at least I was warm…

"On The Boat"

“On The Boat”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

While wandering about on the north shore of the island, I came upon a marshy area which was off limits to deer hunting. As I don’t have any hunter orange to wear, I have been exceedingly careful during the 2 weeks of shotgun season to stay in and around any of the town areas. This exile from the larger wooded and open areas and wilder shorelines has helped me reevaluate points of interest I have been to and painted before but have never fully explored. This particular spot looks right out onto the ferry run and into the hole between Naushon Island and Falmouth, known as Woods Hole. It is a treacherous passage for motor and sailing vessels as the tides suck through the narrow channels between Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay, with rock edges and ledges constricting the narrow channel even more. To make it a bit more challenging for a boat, ferries lumber into and out of the port there almost every hour all day and into the evening darkness with little room to maneuver should an errant ship be in the wrong place at the wrong time trying to fight through a tidal surge, foul tide or heavy breeze. The title of this piece is the message most texted, emailed and/or called to one’s island family and friends after a long, white knuckled, car or bus ride racing through all sorts of traffic to get to the ferry on time. Drivers have been known to drive at 90 mph from NYC most of the way to Woods Hole, MA so as not to miss the last boat across, and you know who you are…!

"Harbor Moon"

“Harbor Moon”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

At different times, I have sailed by, walked by, driven by, gotten close and moved afar to view this black hulled vessel. The large shape and oh so dark a black is not a color subject I would normally choose. But the mystery of ship drew me to it. I chose an evening with a falling breeze and donned my winter gear to keep me warm in the cold of the shadows as I worked. The ticking time bomb of the leaving light kept me focused and working fast. Painting from top to bottom, as I got to the details of docks and boat, the moon unexpectedly appeared. While it climbed the heavens as I moved my paints, I held my breath for fear my time was up and it would disappear before it reached it full splendor just about the eastern cloud bank…

"Signs Of Fall"

“Signs Of Fall”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I almost missed this painting opportunity. I love the views in the fishing village of Menemsha. Concentrating on the boats in port and their respective docks and gear, I almost didn’t see the colors of the far shore. It is full of a patch of rosa rugosa, locally known as beach rose. Usually a full, deep green color with red/pink or white roses, it opens its blooms early in spring. The scent, mixed with the aroma of the sea salty air, is a heady nose full of the summer to come. This particular stand had all turned a rusty yellow orange, stacked one atop the other marching up the hillside. On this bleak cold, almost snowy day, they were a welcome warming sight to behold…

"In The Autumn"

“In The Autumn”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

The temperature has been dropping along with rain and leaves as the color of the land slowly changes from greens, reds, golds, oranges, browns to lavenders and grays. The setting sun, although moved from north of west to south of west still casts its charm upon the unsuspecting evenings. Drab views attain a golden radiance at this hour, mostly unsurpassed in summer months. Sights, unseen in green, now come slowly forth as the backbone of the ridges, hills and vales appear. As we dream about our gardens past, the season shifts and we are thankful, once again…



“Overcast”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Finding the right days to work on this piece were frustrating. The first attempt was a fogfilled evening, but there is so much in the painting that I could not finish it before dark. The second time the sun came out. It sets this time of year just over the middle fishing shack. It was blinding and I gave up and went fishing instead. Third time was again foggy. Great, but it soon turned to rain and I had to rush for cover. After a stretch of sunny days, a heavy overcast came in and stayed, allowing me the time to finish this properly on location…

"Always Ready"

“Always Ready”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

It was a warm, breeze filled day. Down at sea level in the corner of the pond, I found this row boat waiting for me to paint. Sometimes, there is the danger of the boat’s owner appearing and rowing off. Today was not one of those times…

"Summer's Over"

“Summer’s Over”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Some fishermens’ shacks are shuttered for the season. Lobstermen begin to pull traps for the fall. Striped bass and bluefish are migrating past as the waters cool from summer’s heat…

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