
You are currently browsing articles tagged boulders.

“Woods Hole”

"Woods Hole"

“Woods Hole”

“Woods Hole”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I had three location choices for this painting. One required a long walk through woods and maybe snow drifts to arrive at a long beach walk. Two was a short beach walk. Three was possibly traveling down an un-snow-plowed lane and a walk down 5 or 6 stories of beach stairs. I attempted #3 first. The lane was plowed as was the parking lot. Snow on the stairs was almost non existent. I dallied on top taking scouting photos and checking for wind and temperature. Deciding on full winter attire, I returned to my van to gear up. I grabbed the rest of my coffee, a chocolate bite and container of mixed nuts to fuel my furnace as I painted. I descended down the stairs, stopping at each landing for more precision photos of potential views. The last landing was a killer. I was trapped 20 feet above the beach. Winter storms had left only steep, weeping-wet clay between me and the sands below where once was the bottom most set of stairs. I had stepped in clay like that before. Not only is it slippery on an incline, but it sticks to everything it touches like honey, in a bad sort of way. On the beach directly beneath were more boulders at the waters edge casting great, long, blue shadows from the waning sun. I just couldn’t reach them. As I worked, the sun set and lights across the way in Woods Hole slowly flickered on. They were soon followed by the lights of the evening ferryboat chugging into its homeport…

"January Fog"

“January Fog”

“January Fog”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Warm, but windy, had me in the lee of the low cliffs by the Herring Creek on Menemsha Pond. Besides bobbing Red-breasted Mergansers and swooping seagulls, the fog wrapped me up in silence. The tide was low and the boulders had soft edges in the shadowless light. When finished, I rewarded myself with a chocolate chip cooky from just up the road at Orange Peel Bakery…

"Toward The Light"

“Toward the Light”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Another drismal day from rain to fog to falling mist. I waited out the mist while sitting in my van watching the weather radar start to clear. At the last possible moment, gathering up my gear, I hiked down from a few hundred feet above sea level to zero. With a fisherman’s sweater, parka and snow-pants, I was way overdressed for the hike down and had to peel off layers when I set up top of a large, 6 foot high boulder. It was flat calm, no air moving. I simmered in my remaining clothes as I frantically used up the 40 minutes until dark balancing my colors. The walk back up hill was swift and strenuous in the dark, raising my boots higher than normal upon each step so as not to trip on the now unseen rocks in the path…


“Layabouts”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

The last time I painted here, the tide crept up my boots as I blithely worked away. It was going out this time, but my lesson had been learned. This was an overcast, slightly rainy day, which happened to turn from gray toward blue as the sun went down. I never know in this situation whether to paint the sky in first or to hold off in case it goes way beyond expectation. Today I painted first and found it the correct choice as I watched it deteriorate while I finished my work…

"Menemsha, Short Beach"

“Menemsha, Short Beach”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Cold it was with a west wind. In the van I stayed to paint. The colors were quite wonderful as they all came into bloom with the setting sun. The fishing village off in the distance gave the landscape the finishing touch, barely there, but there all the same…

"Carried Away"

“Carried Away”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

It was a gloomy, rainy 40ºF day, should have been snow except for the high temperature. Late afternoon found me itchy to get outside with my easel. The rain and mist and fog seemed halted. I got to the beach and set up amidst the roaring surf and falling cliffs. I wanted to hug the cliff face as the tide seemed unpredictable, but it was literally dropping wheel barrow loads of clay and peat onto the sand by my feet. Not too safe, but clear of the breezes which were about…

"Wash And Wear"

“Wash And Wear”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Nothing like a sunny day with no breeze in the midst of winter. It was just warm enough to work without any gloves. Although, fast I did work with the waves rolling in next to me…

"Down Hill Short Beach"

“Down Hill Short Beach”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

One the few locations with a country lane, beach, water and distant shore. However, there was too much wind to paint out in the cold. My van, parked in the right direction, made a great portable studio. Toward sunset the clouds sweetened the view…

"Spring Green"

“Spring Green”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Today was the first day of real green back in the landscape. The dune grasses, beach roses and some of the trees are now dangling green leaves and blades. It has felt like a long wait for this moment to arrive. A joyous moment indeed!!!

"Lucy Vincent Beach"

“Lucy Vincent Beach”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Funny… I left the house with visions of painting a barn in a field this afternoon… Oh well… I parked down by the beach, walked out to the surf and headed right along the cliffs. I just couldn’t believe how much erosion had occurred. I painted here for months in 1993. The cliffs were then right at these boulders, not 15 feet away…