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"Cedar Tree to Makoniky"

“Cedar Tree to Makoniky”

“Cedar Tree to Makoniky”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I went to the bank to get some cash. All the bankers were dressed up as Red Sox players and were giving away candies. I got back in the car with the money and started to drive about in a day dream. Baseball. Halloween. Candy. Cash. I came out of it and found I had driven to the old farm at Cedar Tree Neck. No other vehicles around, but the barn side door was latched wide open with a decent breeze going directly in the opening. I called and knocked and went to the house and did the same. No one. I left my calling card on my dashboard in case someone should drive up and check to see who was here. I grabbed my stuff and headed up the hill above the beach. It was close to raining, yet held off and I dashed the paint about. I kept thinking I was hearing voices, very distant and indistinct, but, again, no one. I finished. Walked back past house and… a light was on in the house! I went to the kitchen door this time and knocked and hollered. No one came. Maybe, it was automatically timed. The barn door was still wide opened. It was getting dark. I called knocked and hollered in there just for good measure. Perhaps, I thought, as I put my gear back in my van, my friend Joan had made a grocery run and I just missed her. I went back to the open barn and left my calling card inside on the stairs with a pebble upon it. Just in case there was a fearful child hiding in the house until mom or grand mom came back with the groceries to save them. At least there was proof that I had been there, but, was anyone else???.…

"Weather Watch"

“Weather Watch”

“Weather Watch”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Sunsets bring mobs of visitors here to the cliffs to see the sun go down and the cliff colors and the lighthouse. With only 2 cars when I pulled up, it rained until almost sundown. I had to sit in my van and watch my iPhone radar to be assured it was going to stop just in time to rush up the stairs and paint. Exactly on cue it cleared. I had about 20 minutes to go, but it was fun the whole time…

"Brickyard Sail"

“Brickyard Sail”

“Brickyard Sail”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

After balancing my equipment on a hillside, I was able to peer through a lace of leaves and branches to capture this view. This is a summer drama, as only then does the sunlight hit the left face of the old chimney leaving this side in dark contrast…

"Menemsha Creek Fog"

“Menemsha Creek Fog”

“Menemsha Creek Fog”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Usually, I paint first and then, maybe, fish after. Today I was scouting near the Creek and found a fisherman below me in the water. Said he just had a large bass on, but it snapped his 12 lb. test line. That was all I needed to hear. It was too hot for waders, so I changed into my bathing trunks, grabbed my rod and jumped in. An hour later, my mind was drifting from fish to landscape and how beautiful it was down here with the fog in the distance trying to roll over all…

"Gay Head, Flip Side"

“Gay Head, Flip Side”

“Gay Head, Flip Side”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This image has been burning in my mind for a week or more. I went on location and tried to paint it, but it was too windy. I took copious photos as the sun went down. Came back to the studio and studied them all for a few evenings. Went back for a couple more tries. One time it was raining, but sun was under the cloud cover shining as it went down. No painting, then, either. Once more I went up and got a fast wash in on the canvas, but was too windy to do more. Tonight the festering was too much. I put it on the easel. Danced around it. Used those memories of studying, along with the washed in underpainting to pull it all together…

"Squibnocket Point"

“Squibnocket Point”

“Squibnocket Point”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

There have been recent sunny days, but not always into the late afternoon/evening. Created over multiple visits, this painting has been a slow finish. As the daylight lengthens and the ocean warms, the waters by the point will entice bass and bluefish close enough to catch for dinner…

"East To Lucy Vincent Beach"

“East To Lucy Vincent Beach”

“East To Lucy Vincent Beach”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Despite having a cold, I bundled up and stood on the cliff top to captured this view. It was a vibrant day on the waters edge with surf pounding and salt in the air. Just when I thought I was alone, figures appeared in black wetsuits far below catching some wild rides on their surfboards. Directly out from my location, I was surprised to see a few rafts of Harlequin Ducks. They were bobbing and diving in the heavy surf along this rocky point looking for crustaceans and molluscs loosened up by the weekend’s storm…

"Dragger Trip"

“Dragger Trip”

“Dragger Trip”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

The weather was raw but not rough as this dragger headed out on a fishing trip. I was lucky to find one near shore. They usually are farther away. There is less to paint and thus harder to describe with my brush…

"From Squibnocket Beach"

“From Squibnocket Beach”

“From Squibnocket Beach”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

The cliffs to the left have eroded so much this past year that I did not try to squeeze them all in. The bit of cliff in the background beyond the point is Lucy Vincent Beach. Two years ago you could not see that cliff from here. Global warming has increased the power of the ocean to claw back the shore line…

"East Lucy Vincent Beach"

“East Lucy Vincent Beach”

“East Lucy Vincent Beach”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

On a cool, but windless evening I walked down the beach and around the backside of the cliff. I last painted here in the spring. It was surprising to see how much cliff had eroded in the last few storms since then. The dark hole in the top of the middle cliff is totally hollowed out down to the beach beside the brighter orange cliff. Another storm or two and that forward piece will fall into the sea…

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