
You are currently browsing articles tagged cow.

"Mermaid Farm Calf"

“Mermaid Farm Calf”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This was started early last week. I finally finished it today, partly because the farmer’s boys, ages 5 and 8, wanted to watch. So both days I was able to hold their attention for at least a half hour before they turned into wild mustangs and galloped up and down the path behind me practicing their whinnies. We talked about lights and darks, mixing black instead of tube black, white in sun and white in shadow and, of course, lots of gobbledy gook!!!

(click on image to enlarge)

“Ruminating”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 US

The cattle rancher pulled out about 5 hay rolls for the live stock today. I couldn’t resist doing this painting after my afternoon walk through the pasture and seeing the lighting and positioning of this roll and cow…

(click on image to enlarge)
“Winter Hay”

“Winter Hay”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″ oil on canvas panel, SOLD

(click on image to enlarge)
“Cow and Calf”

“Cow and Calf”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″ oil on canvas panel, $750.00 US