
You are currently browsing articles tagged dinghy.

"Island, Home"

“Island, Home”

“Island, Home”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This was a good day to paint by the harbor, no breeze, full sun and in the low 40’s. It was a bad time to paint the Island Home ferry. It stays in port about half an hour, unloading and then loading cars and passengers before heading back to the mainland. I thought I had that much time to paint it in. But, oh no, five minutes later, a freight boat came into the slip in front of me and blocked most of the larger boat. Luckily, in this season, there is little freight and it left soon after arriving. In the few minutes remaining, I finished all the details of the larger vessel…

"The Narrows"

“The Narrows”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

It was a cool, breezy evening despite what the painting might look like. Edgartown harbor is off to the rear of the view. Katama bay is in the foreground. And I am in the van! I actually stayed there and painted from the front seat to keep warm…

“Dinghy Beached”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel.This painting has SOLD.

A very windy afternoon, (30 mph, SSW), caught me off-guard without a plan. The head of Lake Tashmoo by the pumping station is always a safe bet but for a Northwind. This evening was no exception. Sailors had rowed in from their anchorage and unknowingly left me their dinghy to fashion my dreams upon. As I stood and painted, a mother mallard duck practically walked over my boots with 4 young in tow as she left the sanctuary of the spring pond behind me and waddled into the briny Lake…