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dock · Thaw Malin Art


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"Scallop Season"

“Scallop Season”

“Scallop Season”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Rain swept in today on a slow horse. I couldn’t get a gallup on in time to cheat it. I scouted various potentials, but they wouldn’t work for sitting in the van to paint. I was about to give it up, until this boat caught my eye as I spun around to leave the parking area. Dark, damp and dreary, the wet brought out the darks and saturated what color still bedecked the landscape. In a minor key, without shadows nor highlights of sun, the color spoke to me…
(In case you’ve been thinking I’ve been slacking off, I have been locked in my studio for more than a week finishing an 18 painting commission of a local golf club, started plein air in April. I have slipped out near sunset to grab a golf cart and revisit a few locations with canvases to refresh some specific points of interest. It has been a grand experience. First the course owned me, but soon enough I realized I was the master and made the paintings in my own landscape language. I’d like to share with you, but probably can’t until they are published in the members book sometime in the next few months. Sorry. I will be done with them in 5 more days and my painting will get back to a regular pace. Thanks for having patience!)

"Quitsa Boat Launch"

“Quitsa Boat Launch”

“Quitsa Boat Launch”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

A cool place on a warm evening. A little breeze to keep the bugs at bay. Tide going out, exposing the darker edges of the marsh. A classically shaped boat to paint. All looked great. And then, the Idiot showed up. His mooring was just in front of the boat I was painting and his was of a newer unboat-like plastic shape. The captain came ashore in his kayak after the mooring was set. I couldn’t resist asking, since I’d seen the Idiot before. ” So, I’ve always wanted to know who the Idiot was!?!” His wife was on shore to help him in with the kayak and in unison they both said: “It’s not us!!! We are just the caretakers! The owner told us that his wife called him the Idiot and that is what he named his boat!” I asked if he was still married to her. No was their reply. So I guess he isn’t that much of an idiot after all I called out to them as they left! The sky had been fuzzy up until that point. The sun then dipped behind a wall of cloud to expose a massive thunderhead cruising probably 30 miles away. It was the cause of the heavy humid air and the breeze as it was sucking wind into its updraft. The best part was the warm yellow/orange edge illumination of the thunderhead the sun caused as it got lower and lower towards the horizon. When I lived in Texas with a clear 360º horizon, I would check the computer radar to calculate how far off the thunderstorms were when I could spot them rolling by in the distance. They can become so tall that at a distance of 50 miles, when it’s clear, they are still visibly impressive and enticing to paint…

"Out Of Service"

“Out Of Service”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Sometimes I go out to paint a subject I have seen before, but come back with a completely different composition. I haven’t left the sky out of an image recently and I like the low view angle with not even the top of the horizon showing…

“Slack Time”

"Slack Time"

“Slack Time”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I started this on a rainy evening a few days ago while sitting inside my van. I couldn’t finish it then and went back a few more times for better details. The light was not as dark and overcast the next few times. So I waited until it was almost dark for the colors to mute more like the original start day…

"Pulling The Pots"

“Pulling The Pots”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

None of the lobstermen appeared while I was painting this, which was good and bad. It is always good to paint without too much activity happening around me, but then there is no one to pose a question to about my subject matter…

"Menemsha Creek"

“Menemsha Creek”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

It rained most of my painting time here. No one was out. I parked on the wrong side of what I call “Fishermans’ Lane” and worked with my windshield wipers going on and off and then on and off. It was drismal, except for the finished piece…

"Stars And Stripes"

“Stars and Stripes”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD

My plan was to paint a boat in the Lagoon on the other side of the street, but the light was wrong. It was good to go on this side, though. With warmth with a pleasant breeze, it was the perfect evening to be out watching the harbor activity fade into night…


“Boathouse”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

It was very windy today. This little cove was the perfect place to paint and keep warm as the sun and temperature dropped. It brought back pleasant memories of summers past and thoughts of summer coming…

"Red and Ready"

“Red and Ready”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

It was a cool, freezing actually, and windless day this the last day in January. The red boat on a friend’s dock had been a painting in my mind for at least 5 years. I could never find the correct angle to work at until this year. Just having inherited the house, she had cut down all the tall spruce which had protected it from southwest winds, but also had hidden this view. While I painted, a Belted Kingfisher was working the low tide pools around the dock. He seemed to accept my stillness as not a threat. Many times he came within 10 feet of my easel, hovering and then splashing into the water for food…

"West Wind"

“West Wind”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I was hoping for a good sky when I set up to paint. I just didn’t realize how good it would be. I think I made up for it with the colorful fisherman’s gear on the dock!…

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