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"Poison Ivy, Lobsterville"

“Poison Ivy, Lobsterville”

“Poison Ivy, Lobsterville”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

New, spring poison ivy always amuses me. It starts out orangey pink, matures to shiney green and ages to red in the fall. They are my warning signs of where and when I may paint there. In winter, as long as I do not break any bark or branches against my skin, I can roam where I like. Now, as the leaves come out, I must restrict myself or greatly suffer the consequences. Ah, but it is nice to paint it from afar…

"Snow And Ice"

“Snow And Ice”

“Snow and Ice”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

With no back up plan, I was taking my chances driving all the way out to Quansoo Beach hoping to find a view to paint. It was beautiful getting there with the fields along the way covered with recently fallen snow. At the first field I parked and took a photo of the shadows across the old farm road which bisected it. Oh, it was wicked cold out there and I knew any painting done would be from inside my van. This became crystal clear when I saw my car keys locked in the van and I had to find my hide-a-key under the car with cold, bare hands. Coming near the end of the dirt road I realized that no one had driven this far out since the snow storm two days ago. I rounded the last corner out of the scrub oak and shrubbery into the clear, grassy area next to the creek behind the dunes. What usually is a large expanse of parking by the bridge was being crowded out by the high pond and creek water level covered with a few inches of ice. It was a soft, brackish ice and I dared not cross it even just to get on the bridge. But the light was magic, reflecting evening sun off the new wood of the repaired rails and deck of the bridge. The dark, low lying snow clouds added a rich element to the lightness of snow on sand and tawny, winter’s beach grass…

"Up The Dune"

“Up The Dune”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

Spotting this thundercloud while driving from east to west, or as we would say, going up-island, I tried to imagine a fun foreground to paint with the impending storm beyond it. A half hour later found me here in the dunes. As this was earlier in the day than I am use to painting, I was unsure of the shadows I would find. A cone shaped dune gave me no complaints in that department…

"A Goodbye"

“A Goodbye”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

An artist friend treated me to a new, private location from which to paint. It was fun to see old favorite views from a different angle/perspective. However, it was the vanishing sailboat which drew me to paint this view. It is not often I may find a dune with a path through it and a sail off in the distance. Nor is it often, in the summer season, when there is a beach without a multitude of people upon it. I was grateful for the quiet…

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\"Channel Marker\"

“Channel Marker”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

It was a beautiful morning on the channel…

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\"To The Beach\"

“To The Beach”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This is a beach path where I enjoy taking my students to paint. In the big picture it appears to be only greens, blues and beiges. In reality there is much subtlety to this simple scene. It is always a revelation when working here…

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“Twilight”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I started this painting just before the sun went down and I continued until it was too dark to tell what colors I was mixing…

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\"Creek Sunset\"

“Creek Sunset”,, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Just as yesterday’s painting was an opportunity to capture a fleeting moment, so was today’s. I came upon both scenes right as the sun set, grabbed my tools and painted into the darkness, trying to catch both the sky’s afterglow and the accompanying reflections on the surface of the water…

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“Leaves Last Stand”

“Leaves Last Stand”, this is a Small one, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel, SOLD