
You are currently browsing articles tagged dunes.

"To The Beach"

“To The Beach”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD

These dunes can be a very menacing place from which to paint, mosquito-wise and people-wise. The hurricane must have whipped those little insects into soup as only very small, recent hatchlings came out to suck on me. And the beach goers, well they must have left this island or just had better things to do than come out on a warm eve and watch the sun setting…

"Right Fork Path"

“Right Fork Path”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD

I managed to get to Edgartown to paint, but was not thrilled with my planned locations. So I drove around and ended up by South Beach. There was a bit of a wind, but it kept my not so favorite insects away from me. It was also nice to be up on a dune to watch the sun go down…

"Tide And Pool"

“Tide And Pool”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel.$750.00 USD

Amanda Malin and dog, Snoopy, drove me down from Melbourne to Cape Paterson to paint on a beach one day. There she, my brother and their children use to go when the boys were little. Besides being one of the closest southern capes to Tasmania, it also had some marvelous surf beaches for swimming. As the ozone hole down there causes bad sunburns, I slathered up with sunscreen and hugged the cliff shadow from which to paint. A slight breeze kept the green heads away, but wasn’t enough to rile up the sand from the cliff face onto my palette. The wind increased as I lost my shadow and I had to quit when I felt grit in the air. The now cool lamb chops Amanda had grilled before we left made for a perfect snack as I walked out to explore the volcanic rock slabs and tidal pools stretching out into the waters…

"Flow River Flow"

“Flow River Flow”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

Almost missed this one. On any other day, with steady wind in the 25/30 mph range, I would have been sand blasted out of my dune cover. But with a heavy rain last night and early morning, the sand was still packed hard and moist with no chance of a dust up. My parka on and hood up it was a great place to paint and watch the light turn down…

"Riding Out The Storm"

“Riding Out the Storm”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Mid afternoon I found a painter friend painting along the docks. It seemed risky as Hurricane Earl was spitting water down. Able to get my iPhone to work at a signal sweet spot, I looked at the current radar map. We were between spiral arms of rain emanating out from the core of the storm. We painted intensely for about 45 minutes before ducking into our cars when the next arm swung over head. One more clear spot for about an hour and we finally packed up just as the rain began in earnest…


“Boardwalk”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Everytime I walk down here I want to paint this boat launch boardwalk. It is both a point of departure and a point of return. If the pond waters are low, you could wade across to the dunes and onto the beach. Now that it is owned by The Land Bank, no wading or swimming across. Only paddling is allowed and they don’t mean doing the doggy paddle. I made friends with some of the returning kayakers and even had a Presidential experience. One paddler, returning with his car to pick up his gear, donned a Barak Obama halloween mask and jumped out of his car to greet me!

"Across The Dunes"

“Across The Dunes”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I began this two days ago along with a larger one. Yesterday was too breezy to go back. Today was better, but I had to finish this one and did not work on the larger one. Luckily there are lots of splendid views here. I will go back to finish the bigger one and do a smaller one of one of the other views. For lack of a more meaningful name, I call this location, “the old hunt place” as it is stated on a mailbox a few properties away…


“Anniversary”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I am celebrating this week as it will be my 4 year anniversary of doing a painting-a-day. I still can’t believe it. It was also the anniversary of the man I met on this beach path who handed me a beer while I was finishing this scene! Happy Anniversary to us both!!!

"Windy Beach"

“Windy Beach”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

It was a beautiful warm and sunny day, until this island crossed paths with a few cool, dark thunder cells towards evening. I was forced to work in my van to create this painting. It only just cleared at sunset, bestowing a glowing radiance on top of and underneath the remaining clouds. The sky and the clearing manifested many surprising choices to put onto my canvas…

"Dune Top"

“Dune Top”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This sunset was a gamble. I was going to do a still life at home, but happened to be passing this area and decided to lug my paints down the long path to the beach, just in case. The sand on the dune top had piled another 5 feet higher from the winter winds compared to my last visit in August….

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