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Welcome. I am back and continuing to make small, 6″ x 8″, landscapes and florals in oils on canvas, but not every day. I am also working on larger pieces. Every time I finish a painting, I will place it here on my website.

“Daffodils Herald Springtime”

“Daffodils Herald Springtime”, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel.

This painting has SOLD.

Spring! On Martha’s Vineyard, we are lucky if it lasts two weeks as the season rushes from the dulls of late winter headlong to summer. I love daffodils. I painted this one to capture that sweet fresh look and scent of spring… well, the scent is only a memory, but the glow will remain.

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“Lobsterville!”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Considering how frantic this island is in summer, especially mid August, on a weekend and with the President here, I was all alone at the beach as far as I could see. I even got my fishing rod out after this painting and tempted the gods of fish. Three other souls joined me at dusk, thrashing the waters for naught. But, what a beautiful night in Lobsterville!…

"V.H. By The Bridge"

“V.H. By The Bridge”

“V.H. By The Bridge”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I have been here many times, but never noticed the summer shadows at this hour before. I had to stop to let someone pass. That is when I knew it was a painting waiting to be plucked…

"Ford At Mermaid Farm"

“Ford At Mermaid Farm”

“Ford At Mermaid Farm”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I came to get milk. The farm stand by the road was empty. I walked up to the dairy barn and returned for this painting…

"Far Barn Daylilies"

“Far Barn Daylilies”

“Far Barn Daylilies”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I stumbled upon these the other evening when I went out to paint. Some of them had already decided they had had their day and were closing up. Others remained open until the last light had left…

"Butterfly Weed"

“Butterfly Weed”

“Butterfly Weed”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Butterfly Weed in bloom was my excuse for driving around to Lobsterville to paint yet again. This area is one of the few rolling dune habitats which can be driven through. There is always some nice birding to do on the way as the dunes hold ponds and swamps between them as they slowly drain out into the West Basin marsh. Today was a Great Egret day with 5 adults and a juvenile fishing throughout the marsh…



“Blossom”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I was alerted to this magnolia being in bloom at the Polly Hill Arboretum. As soon as I got there it started pouring rain. I put my rain jacket on and walked about in the downpour finding shelter under trees. I dared to take some photos under those conditions. Everything was at its darkest tonal value from being wet and it was near the end of daylight hours so all dark areas were darker still. Yet the rain made them have a vision of softness. Scents of this or that bloom would suddenly waft up among the rain drops and assault my senses. The rain stopped and I rushed back with my equipment and worked swiftly as it was dripping off the trees and could restart any time…

"At The Bend In The Road"

“At The Bend In The Road”

“At The Bend In The Road”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

After yesterday’s painting, I had Rosa Rugosas on my mind. Actually not really on my mind but in my nostrils. To me they are THE smell of summer at the beach. Fishing last night I had to walk through a hedge of them going and coming. Today, as soon as I finished one of my many golf course commissioned paintings, I went hunting for beach roses. I think I excluded 10 or more sandy paths between the little bridge and big bridge before discovering this one. It was delicious standing out with setting sun warming me, no wind and the scent of roses all around as I painted the glistening light off the distant water. I observed a lone boater fishing for blues and was serenaded by 4 Oystercatchers as they flew low overhead from pond to beach loudly discussing dinner as they hovered slowly past…

"West Basin Fog"

“West Basin Fog”

“West Basin Fog”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

Luckily there were no 15 to 30 mph winds today as there seemingly have been for the last few weeks. However, it absolutely poured rain. All day. Just before sunset, the radar showed it was gone. In its place was a wicked thick fog. Again. Even though the skies still looked like rain, I ventured out. I soon found myself headed back to Lobsterville and the West Basin in Aquinnah. I had no plan in mind, except that maybe I would catch dinner when finished painting. After circling around Captain Buddy Vanderhoop and his charter fishing boat, Tomahawk, on its trailer in the end parking lot, having some out of water work done to it, I backed into the visitor lot. I set up under my opened lift-gate, just in case the radar was wrong, at least I would have half my gear under cover. As it got gloomier with more fog shifting about, I could hear Captain Buddy maneuvering his rig into the launch shoot. As I, too, finished my task, I came to realize how wet it was on everything outside my van. Even my glasses had fogged up. I was lucky to see enough to paint. Driving back, I stopped by the 1st parking lot to fish, only to find 20 other fishermen already in place, waders on, slicker hoods up, casting into the gloaming. I soon enough joined them and slipped into their picket line of moving rods. I worked the water for an hour with a few hits on each of my 2 favorite lures, but they were all very small striped bass, schoolies as we call them. It was a nice cocoon like feeling standing 20 feet out in water up to my thighs. Surrounded by fog and near darkness, I could barely see the comrades on either side even when one had to switch on his headlamp to untangle his line or unhook a small fish. The rhythm of the undulating water was in itself mesmerizing in the muffled night. Slowly, the line thinned as each and every fisher-person realized we had been fooled, there were no big ones out there tonight.…

"Menemsha From Chockers"

“Menemsha From Chockers”

“Menemsha From Chockers”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Sorry for the lack of paintings recently. I have been moving abodes and studio spaces and having to complete some construction to make the new space gracious. Minus some room painting to finish up, I now have a great place in which to create and to show my work by appointment…
In today’s painting, I have tried to have some fun looking over, beyond and through objects. Unfortunately, some one else had more fun than me. When I returned home, I found a tiny deer tick having dinner on my leg, a first for this year. As I instinctively reached for the tweezers, I remembered the new way to detach ticks. Using a cotton ball or a Q-tip, put a drop or two of dish detergent on the cotton and gently rub over and back and forth on the tick. Within seconds it will let go and be caught in the fibrous strands of the cotton… If only it were that easy to take care of pesky mosquitoes!

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