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"Hay Rolls, Moo Lane"

“Hay Rolls, Moo Lane”

“Hay Rolls, Moo Lane”, this is a larger painting, 9″ x 12″, oil on canvas panel. $1350.00 USD

(Please note that this is 9″x 12″, more than double my normal size.) Today, I returned to Mermaid Farm to buy some vegetable plants. As I was backing up to turn about, my eyes caught the shadows draped across the lane to the dairy barn. I stopped, jumped out and took several photos. Looking at those pictures when I got home, I realized this was my next painting. I drove right back, set up and grabbed the only canvas panel I had left in my case, except, it had a painting from another day on it. Curses, if I drove back home the shadows would be gone. I found my larger case in the back with this one blank panel on it and went to work…

"Chilmark Country"

“Chilmark Country”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I pulled over to make a cell phone call. As I talked, I became entranced by this sunny view. I enjoyed the scenery for another 2 hours routed to this spot…

"Blueberry Ground"

“Blueberry Ground”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I found this blueberry patch while out scouting locations last fall. Going there with fingers crossed hoping to find some, we ran into so many I almost forgot to get my gear out to paint. It was a gorgeous day to recreate on canvas. The clouds felt like one could reach up and eat their cotton candy hearts out. It also was a tick haven. I found 9 dog ticks on my pants but, luckily, no nymphs yet. Pie and blueberry crisps back at the studio helped me reflect on the days labors…

"Waiting For Snow"

“Waiting For Snow”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

It took me awhile to pick this view to paint as the light was so flat today. A few minutes into the work and small, slow snowflakes began falling. I moved quickly to finish, but had to call it a day when my palette started to have a snow drift in the corner….

"Mermaid Farm Calf"

“Mermaid Farm Calf”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This was started early last week. I finally finished it today, partly because the farmer’s boys, ages 5 and 8, wanted to watch. So both days I was able to hold their attention for at least a half hour before they turned into wild mustangs and galloped up and down the path behind me practicing their whinnies. We talked about lights and darks, mixing black instead of tube black, white in sun and white in shadow and, of course, lots of gobbledy gook!!!


“Welcome”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Luckily my friends’ store closed early tonight and I could set up in the parking lot to paint these gates. I have been intending to do this image for more than a year. My timing was right today, and only a few friends honked at me as they whizzed by. And oh, yes, a car did stop and a news photographer caught me in her lens while her husband disarmed me with small talk. Paint drying is big news on a Sunday night…

"The Moon Gate"

“The Moon Gate” , this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I discovered this garden in a local newpaper article. Went to see it and photographed it, but had not been able to paint there until today. It is one of the most incredible, small, 3.5 acres, gardens I have ever enjoyed painting in, bar none. The Chandor Gardens was designed and built starting in 1936 by British portrait painter Douglas Chandor. Some of his most famous portrait sitters were Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Queen Elizabeth. I look forward to creating many more images from this marvelous place. This particular image is of the Moon Gate Douglas built. Some of the imbedded decorative elements near the top are made out of whole soda bottles with the bottoms painted copper green/blue! The colored icons on the top ends are dragons denoting the prestige of the owner or of the house…