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Gay Head · Thaw Malin Art

Gay Head

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"Now We Are Talking"

“Now We Are Talking”

“Now We Are Talking”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I am so glad to slowly get back to painting. For the past week my routine and studio have been totally disrupted. I have hosted a work crew to put down new floors in my living and working space as well as try to finish a herringbone pattern on the new deck floor. I started this piece over a week ago, but then the crew moved in. Between 7am strategy sessions over coffee on the merits of 6″ mahogany decking over 3″, before picking it up at the lumber yard, to finding a bad section of pre-made and laid flooring at 9pm before dinner, life has been full. Now my painting space and time are almost back to normal. Even though it is colder and darker out, I will be relishing every moment outside at my easel. After my last painting where, you may recall, I hung out my laundry for all to see, I received an invitation to come and create at this location. The conversation quickly left the topic of laundry in the dust as we went on to discussed location and view. I was unprepared for this one as I rounded the corner of house and hill and the totality of this grand vista gripped my imagination. I had only come to scout, but was compelled to whip this view onto my canvas…

"Gay Head, Flip Side"

“Gay Head, Flip Side”

“Gay Head, Flip Side”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This image has been burning in my mind for a week or more. I went on location and tried to paint it, but it was too windy. I took copious photos as the sun went down. Came back to the studio and studied them all for a few evenings. Went back for a couple more tries. One time it was raining, but sun was under the cloud cover shining as it went down. No painting, then, either. Once more I went up and got a fast wash in on the canvas, but was too windy to do more. Tonight the festering was too much. I put it on the easel. Danced around it. Used those memories of studying, along with the washed in underpainting to pull it all together…