“Ford At Mermaid Farm”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD
I came to get milk. The farm stand by the road was empty. I walked up to the dairy barn and returned for this painting…
I WORK EN PLEIN AIR, OUT IN THE COUNTRYSIDE… Welcome. I am back to painting again after a sabbatical that included a few pieces done for charitable fund raisers. I am continuing to make small, 6" x 8", landscape oils, but not every day. I am also working on larger pieces. Every time I finish a painting, I will place it here on my website. If you see something you'd like to purchase, email me. Thank you for enjoying my work and keeping me creating new pieces. Your interest stimulates and inspires me and has made me a better painter. Sign up for my emails and I will send you an image of each new painting. I love to paint and am happy to share my painting experience with you. Most of my work is impressionistic landscape oils, inspired by the beauty of the Island of Martha's Vineyard where I live.
You are currently browsing articles tagged hay.
“Chilmark Hay”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.
Hay! Hay! I have been waiting for this to rolled up. Fog came in thick the day after they had cut the field. An extra day was needed to dry and finish the job. My good luck…
“Hey, Hay!”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD
This is one of the fastest cut, raked, baled and moved on out fields where I like to paint. This year the family out did themselves. There were at least 15 stackers and movers on the field. Five o’clock to 6:57, 650 bales disappeared into various conveyances and then into barns. I started painting and all of a sudden I was alone in a totally empty field… Ah, but what a beautiful day!
“Wet Hay, Music Street” , this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD
I had seen my farmer friend cutting this small field only to have it rained on after he rowed it up. Not good for hay. Now it is all baled up for mulch hay for his wife’s commercial tomatoe patch. And once again it got rained on. It was all good luck for me because normally his hay does not sit out. As soon as it is baled it is gone, right into his hay loft for his milk cows for the winter. I had all the time in the world to paint it…
“Last Of Winters Hay” , this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.
As I passed by the hay to go down to the lower pasture to paint, I realized this was the last of the winter hay. If I didn’t paint it now, the cattle were going to eat it and there would be no more until next winter. I pulled the jeep up to were I wanted to unload my gear and started to set up. Whoa Bessie! One of the cows spotted me and the jeep and trumped to the others and they all came arunning. (One really does sound like an elephant trumpeting when mooing!) Before I could get a brush out to work, I was surrounded by inquisitve, hungry, black faces with large, pink, smacking tongues. One started licking the jeep and then they started mooing at me. When they got no response they headed over to the hay to munch on. The HAY!? I had to rush over twice to tell them off before they ate and trampled it all…
“Ruminating”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 US
The cattle rancher pulled out about 5 hay rolls for the live stock today. I couldn’t resist doing this painting after my afternoon walk through the pasture and seeing the lighting and positioning of this roll and cow…