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hay bale · Thaw Malin Art

hay bale

You are currently browsing articles tagged hay bale.

"The Fair Will Be Here"

“Fair Will Be Here” , this is a Medium painting, 16″ x 20″, oil on canvas. This painting has SOLD.

This painting is a 16″ x 20″ oil on canvas which I began in August. I had to do a u-turn when I drove by this. I love to paint hay bales out in the fields, but to have not only a tractor, but a red tractor in the field was just way too much for me!!! This was the scene 3 days prior to the set up of the Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society Fair. In a “normal summer” this hay would have been cut and baled in July and this field only mowed at this time. Weather patterns don’t seem to be normal anymore…