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hay rolls · Thaw Malin Art

hay rolls

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"Hay Rolls, Moo Lane"

“Hay Rolls, Moo Lane”

“Hay Rolls, Moo Lane”, this is a larger painting, 9″ x 12″, oil on canvas panel. $1350.00 USD

(Please note that this is 9″x 12″, more than double my normal size.) Today, I returned to Mermaid Farm to buy some vegetable plants. As I was backing up to turn about, my eyes caught the shadows draped across the lane to the dairy barn. I stopped, jumped out and took several photos. Looking at those pictures when I got home, I realized this was my next painting. I drove right back, set up and grabbed the only canvas panel I had left in my case, except, it had a painting from another day on it. Curses, if I drove back home the shadows would be gone. I found my larger case in the back with this one blank panel on it and went to work…