
You are currently browsing articles tagged lighthouse.

"March Moon"

“March Moon”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Today (actually 2 days ago) I knew the moon would be coming up a 1/2 hour before sunset. I just wasn’t exactly sure where. I wanted to set up so that it would be very near the light, but I hadn’t done my calculations. It also got lost rising behind the low cloud bank and was 10 minutes late. So I painted and just forgot about it as I got into a rhythm. It was suddenly there, pink at first blush from going through the purple clouds. Then it yellowed-oranged out into its full splendor…

"White On Light"

“White On Light”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Rain and then snow came down after I started painting this piece. Luckily, I chose to stay in the van out of the breeze which was also picking up. This was a soft subtle image to work on. I had to push and pull the light colors onto and away from each other. The dark of the cedars helped put the whites/lights into perspective…

"Edgartown Stakes"

“Edgartown Stakes”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This is the view to the north of the last painting I did, “Scallop Boat”. It was a different evening light as well as different wind direction, and colder. With fewer boats left in harbor in winter, it is easier to see into the far corners compared to the madhouse of summer boating…

"Cloud Break"

“Cloud Break”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

It felt like snow, but was just thick, tight clouds. I think they look denser in the winter air than in summer. When they leave, it really makes the sky brighten up in comparison…

"Fuller Street"

“Fuller Street”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I came into town to paint a friend’s garden, but the frost had beaten me to it. The lighthouse was just down the street…

"Collin's Beach"

“Collin’s Beach”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I have worked on this for a few days. Each time I have gone there it has rained and I could only complete a small part of the whole. Luckily the light has pretty much been the same, and no one has wanted to go out in their boats. Today the sky opened just enough to show me its inner light…

"Last Light"

“Last Light”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I was back at this lighthouse finishing up a larger commissioned painting. When I looked up, I was forced into making this new painting. The reflective light was just too compelling to ignore…

"Storm Brewing"

“Storm Brewing”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I saw this cloud bank come in and tried to figure out what foreground I could place in front of it. The storm was too far north of east to be able to think of any other place to drive to. Luckily it was very tall and very far away when first spotted. I was able to go home and get my paints and turn around and come back up to this end of the island to capture the full majesty of the clouds. I think I had about an hour to get everything in before it began to rain and I had to quit…

“Out To Sea”

"Out To Sea"

“Out To Sea”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

It was a cloudy day with an almost unnoticeable sunset. The dusk colors were delicate as the blue went into purple then darkness. When cars drove by with headlights on and it ruined my viewing, I knew it was time to quit…

"On A Clear Day"

“On A Clear Day”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I have a commission to do a painting of this lighthouse and decided to do a small one for my daily piece as well. As I was packing up for the night, the Coast Guard Station Chief came out (that’s his residence attached to the lighthouse) and introduced himself to me. He was curious to see what I had done all afternoon. Then he made me an offer I can’t refuse. He gave me his cell number and said anytime I’d like to come onto the grounds and paint to give him a call. I guess I will try to do one or two more from different angles later in the fall…

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