
You are currently browsing articles tagged lighthouse.

"Night Light"

“Night Light”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

It was a gorgeous July day, but I could not get to my paints until late. Since it was the beginning of the long holiday weekend, a picnic was in order. Robin created a Pan Bagnat stuffed with smoked bluefish and a bottle or two of oatmeal stout was acquired to wash it down (and to keep my brush hand limber!). A light house was included for some local color and the striking sunset closed down the day, and then the mosquitoes arrived…

"Cool Spring Waters"

“Cool Spring Waters”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

A well wrapped bicyclist passed me as I worked at the edge of the pavement. She mumbled something about seeing the last of the snow clouds for the season. She could have been right as the breeze and the temperature had me working on all cylinders to keep up my body heat. Those clouds sure were purple as the sun slid over the horizon…

"Cape Schanck Light"

“Cape Schanck Light”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

My brother, John, and I went for a drive-about my last weekend in Australia to the southern tip of the Mornington Peninsula, due south of Melbourne. It is a rugged coast with sand and an overlay of ancient lava from past volcanic activity. We stopped long enough for me to paint this lighthouse. Moseying onward we got out and followed a rolling hill path to a seaside overlook. Discovering 200 well heeled revelers way out ahead of us on an ocean bluff, we turned to go and nearly walked into the bride and bridesmaids. They were in full attire gently gliding down the footpath to make her grand entrance. Farther along our journey, we found a helmeted man hanging onto a pair of wings about to jump from a cliff into a stiff headwind. He survived and soared off into the wild, blue yonder…

"Lightening Up"

“Lightening Up”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This was the tail end of the storm, a true Nor’easter. The wind was gusting to at least 50. Even inside the car painting, it was rocking. I made a sketch and some mental notes, but had to finish in the studio. I wanted to capture the low light before darkness. That always creates a problem because it does get dark fast then…

"North of the Light"

“North of the Light”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I found this view last time I was painting the light house. I didn’t factor in the wind and wind chill when I went two evenings ago. My friend Donald loaned me a bright yellow/green rain slicker to announce myself properly to any hunters about. He was especially concerned as he spotted a buck with a good rack creeping away from me as I entered the underbrush. I found my spot, set up and started right in only to have my easel fall into me as I bent over to clean a brush. Fixing that, I went on working until the gusts came in again. I lasted about an hour before light and breeze had me wanting to go home. Wind chill was in the low 20ยบ’s and I had a bit of a time following my path back thru the underbrush in the low light of the afterglow. But, like always, it was a fun outing just to experience the air and evening light…

"Light On The Backside"

“Light On The Backside”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

A sweet afternoon of warm sun and breeze until the light air turned into wind and the sun, shadow. Upon reaching the van I found I was wearing 2 shirts, a fleece, a vest and windbreaker. But I was happy to have caught this image early, in the warmth of the day. I probably never would have considered this view if it had not been for the tumbling shadows on the hill side…

"Light At The Head"

“Light At The Head”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I haven’t painted with another painter since, maybe, May. Partly because I never know where I am going to go. And partly because cell service is so bad up-island that I couldn’t say where I was when I got there. Today was different. My old friend and painting partner, Cheri, came out with me. It still didn’t stop me from driving around in circles stopping and looking to find THE place. However, when we got there, we KNEW it! We had a lot of fun painting and talking. She has been painting in the studio all year on mostly large canvases and has been dying to get outside to work and I am really ready to go into my studio and work on larger pieces. So we were able to compare lots of ideas with each other while we worked. And, of course, the sun did not disappoint us…

"Heaven Light"

“Heaven Light”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

It rained for many days. This was the closest to blue skies we have had. However, I had to wait until the very end of the day for the sky to rent. Then the colors came tumbling out. Anticipated and welcomed on many levels…

"Shadows Cast"

“Shadows Cast”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

A fun painting was this. The day was gray when I started. Past the halfway finished point, the sun broke in with evening warmth. I had to walk down the street a bit and mentally regroup to be able to come back and repaint with this delicious light. Life changes and when you are ready, you may, too.

"Cat Boat"

“Cat Boat”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I went down by the lighthouse to try to paint some of the large sailboats here for the Edgartown Regatta. My timing was off, but I was able to captured two cat boats returning to the harbor…

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