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"Through The Grove"

“Through the Grove”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. USD $750.00

There was breeze enough to keep me happy… and mosquito free! The sky unfurled lazy waves of orange above my head against a mellow blue-green heaven. A man and his dog on a tight leash walked past to sample the evening air. The dusk faded to a dark blue and I could see to work no more…


“Sunblind”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Tortured skies have appeared before sunset recently. Only to be trumped by magical settings. As it happened this eve, I expected rain upon my walk to this dune top before the clearing would commence. Dry I stayed as sky went into its multi-colored wrappings. I was so excited by my good fortune, and was able create two paintings before the final curtain call. This one is the earlier, mellower sky. The second I will post in a few more days (just so no one gets bored by the same place two days in a row)…

"Dusk Light"

“Dusk Light”, this is a small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This is one of the rare views of the Gay Head Lighthouse with a sunset backdrop. Most public viewing is from the south or west of the light. With close to 30 pounds of gear, it is a 1/3rd of a mile hike downhill from parking at 190 feet above sea level to near sea level and then back uphill again. Always great to get there and great to get back to the van before dark sets in. No coyotes passed me on my return that I could see. A few bats flew across my path, but I relish their presence as they are mosquito vacuums with wings! If I have judged everything correctly, the light should be good when I get there and the wind will not be funneled up the path directly at me. This evening was a sweet night down there…

"Another Day"

“Another Day”, this is not quite so small a painting, 9″x 12″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Note: I ran out of my usual small panels. This is a 9″ x 12″ painting (larger than my normal 6″ x 8″)… A beautiful evening to be painting above a cliff as the sun settles over the horizon. Waves lap against the sand below. A Northern Harrier swoops low overhead on a flight across to Nomans Island in front of me. I stayed even after I could see no more to paint. The water colors at this time of evening against a fading sky have been spectacular for the past few nights. I am preparing myself to do a piece this late in the day, but the light gives me no chance to mix the colors I want. It is just too dark to see color, only values on a gray scale…

"Dune Top"

“Dune Top”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This sunset was a gamble. I was going to do a still life at home, but happened to be passing this area and decided to lug my paints down the long path to the beach, just in case. The sand on the dune top had piled another 5 feet higher from the winter winds compared to my last visit in August….

"Beach Walk and Ferry"

“Beach Walk and Ferry”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

Another good place in bad weather or inclement health to stay in the van and paint from. Anything could sail, motor or, in this case, walk by to make it so much more interesting. That’s the beauty of being out on location. I may make my plans for what I am going to paint, but the universe may step in at any moment and one up me!…

"Off Season South Beach"

“Off Season South Beach”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I am really getting into this cold weather painting mode. Once the location is selected, I bundle up to keep myself warm and to cut the winds. I set up quickly and start to paint. The coolness of the air is invigorating. It also causes me to work fast and to access my right brain, my intuitive side. There is no time for analysis, just action. No long drawn out thoughts of “what if…”, just enough time and warmth to do it and go home…

"Cranberry Boghouse"

“Cranberry Boghouse”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Having driven past this dilapidated boghouse innumerable times, I had never stopped to really look at it. For a few years a non-profit group, the Vineyard Open Land Foundation , has been clearing out and rejuvenating the cranberry bog behind the house. Thus the view has been getting more enticing to stop and paint. I photographed it one day last week to study the possibilities. It was the rain today which made me stop. The wetness had caused the whole foreground to intensify in color values. The contrast with the misty background tree row became much more intense than it is on a dry day. It being near today’s almost non existent sunset light pushed the colors that much more…

“Sea Way”

"Sea Way"

“Sea Way”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I went off with the idea of painting dunes and a beach path. When I arrived, the winter blond beach grass and the dune sand were entirely the same colors. I spied this jeep track down the road from the dune grass while driving home. Fall coloring never ceases to amaze me…

"Fog Summer House"

“Fog, Summer House”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

It was not quite drizzling. I wandered down the road until this house caught my eye. I have it on my list to paint in sunshine. But the fog gives it an abandoned melancholy feeling of summers’ passing…

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