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"August Traffic"

“August Traffic”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD

I missed painting last evening’s thunderstorm. Toward sunset you could clearly see the anvil shape and some associated cotton candy shapes in front of and around the storm cell tower of clouds. I had to do a double check when I returned to the studio, but it was 60 miles away as the crow flies. Somewhere half way to Boston it was hovering and raining, but it was the only cloud in the northern sky from where I stood. I was hoping for more of the same as I drove to this vantage point today. There were one or two fleecy clouds but not the splendid shape I wished for. I did get a golden sky as the sun sank and a multitude of sailboat traffic all through the evening light…

"Setting Off"

“Setting Off”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

(I have been having trouble with my camera and finally had to get a new one. Now I am just learning how to use different software to correct the images and to post onto the internet. I think all is under control again.) I had fun working on this piece over two evenings at Lobsterville. It is always a delightful drive up, and it feels like I am on another island when I am there…

"Long Light"

“Long Light”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I enjoy walking out to this locale to paint, or just to view the evening sky. From my studio, it is the closest 360ยบ, open sky view point. This was a beautiful end to a warm day. The mid-summer field colors were enchanting in the low evening light. Volumes and shapes not apparent when the sun is more overhead were exposed in the sunset light…

"July Barn"

“July Barn”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Behind me as I worked on this painting were 2 baby raccoons. They were foraging among the Stuartia blossoms which had fallen from the trees in the grove. They kept a 30 foot distance from me, until I walked around behind the stone wall to try to photograph them. Their ears must be sharp because they were gone when I peeked over the top to where they were. I finally found one frozen behind a Stuartia trunk. I walked up to the tree and poked my camera around the side and got one good shot. Just like baby skunks, they sure are cute when they are little…

"Eastville Fog"

“Eastville Fog”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

The fog had rolled in on my studio when I left. Sometimes it is only along the south shore and the ends of the island, but not over the Vineyard Haven Harbor. It held off there until way after sunset, but scared most day sailors into port early. This was one of the last stragglers still visible as the light left……


“Equilibrium”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

Out in the woods at dusk, there comes a moment when the light and dark are at equilibrium. It is still possible to make out the larger forms and shapes, but the dimmer light and colors of a winter wood lot leave the smaller details indistinguishable one from another……

"F P Farm Road"

“F P Farm Road”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

My muse drew me out to the end of the farm this evening, but I just couldn’t see what was there. I turned about, walking back to the van in defeat. No cow or horse, sheep or sail, just a totally flat, open landscape. Until I turned the corner as the sun came out for the last half hour of the day…

"From The Top"

“From The Top”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I began today thinking of a painting in the woods. Maybe a tree or stonewall would do. I wandered down paths and byways scouting. Each time I came to a high spot, there was a great view of this beach, but from afar. I finally had to give in and drive down to the beach and walk up this path. And, well, this is what I saw: hazy sunset and dropping temperature as an inclement weather front floated in…

"Hedgeley Dene Gardens"

“Hedgeley Dene Gardens”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Back in Melbourne today and I found this wonderful public garden close to my brother’s in which to paint. Many dog walkers and curious children came by as I worked. But it wasn’t until my favorite Bull Terrier, Axle, came by with his master, Billy, my brother’s housemate, that I knew it was time for dinner…

"Menemsha, Short Beach"

“Menemsha, Short Beach”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Cold it was with a west wind. In the van I stayed to paint. The colors were quite wonderful as they all came into bloom with the setting sun. The fishing village off in the distance gave the landscape the finishing touch, barely there, but there all the same…

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