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"Down Hill Short Beach"

“Down Hill Short Beach”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

One the few locations with a country lane, beach, water and distant shore. However, there was too much wind to paint out in the cold. My van, parked in the right direction, made a great portable studio. Toward sunset the clouds sweetened the view…

"A Road Less Traveled"

“A Road Less Traveled”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

It has been deer hunting season. I desperately wanted to paint this scene in the woods, halfway down my friends’ driveway in an active hunting area at dusk. Not a sane choice to make especially with no hunter orange clothing to wear, but… I drove down to the spot. Set up against the front of my van in the middle of the drive. Whistled a happy tune and began to paint until the colors disappeared on my palette and in the woods…

"Evening Wood"

“Evening Wood”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I love taking care of my friends’ cat while they are away. There are so many wonder views around the old family homestead. I had to stop while driving out and capture this one in the evening light. With my hood up to keep me warm and not making too many fast movements, I fit right with the turkey flock as they slunk in to their roosting pines. They paid me no heed 20 feet away from their launching lawn as they each revved up for take off into the tops of the pine trees. I felt, truly, like a fly on the wall as they trotted past me from all directions to get settled in…

"Beach And Boat"

“Beach And Boat”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Late afternoon up in the dunes on a beautiful, cool, sunny fall day. It was so cool that by sundown I had to put my gloves on to get me back to the car. The water colors were gorgeous, especially in contrast to the burt orange of the leafscape…

"Old Country Road"

“Old Country Road”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

A quiet evening interlude, out of wind and sun, yet full of fall coloring. I drove past/through it twice before recognizing its potential. With autumn colors at their peak, it was difficult to make a single choice…

"Light On The Backside"

“Light On The Backside”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

A sweet afternoon of warm sun and breeze until the light air turned into wind and the sun, shadow. Upon reaching the van I found I was wearing 2 shirts, a fleece, a vest and windbreaker. But I was happy to have caught this image early, in the warmth of the day. I probably never would have considered this view if it had not been for the tumbling shadows on the hill side…

"Polly Hill Fall"

“Polly Hill Fall”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I had other ideas for today’s daily painting, but then again, so did the sun with its late season angle. I had scouted this earlier in the day for a future painting but came back again for today’s. I had been alerted that the 35 year old Magnolia Grandiflora, which Polly, Polly Hill Arboretum , had planted in the corner between the barn and shed in my painting, was taken down to be better able to repair the barn. It had surely outlived it’s place of honor there as it was hard to open the shed door much less the barn door without walking into a branch or two. Polly would have been happy to see the space opened up once more. It had been exceedingly difficult for anyone to do a painting of the barn the way the tree had covered over half of the front…

"Morning Puddle"

“Morning Puddle”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

Artist and friend, Susan Metzger, was visiting Martha’s Vineyard this weekend. She was roaming about with her camera collecting landscape photos for inspiration for a painting exhibit she will have here next year. She is a very early riser so I suggested meeting her at sunrise on Long Point Reservation. She could gather some images and I could set up and finally do an early sunrise painting. We met up and had some great artist conversations while walking out toward the dunes. And then again when she came back from shooting and while I broke down my gear and walked back to the parking area. It is always stimulating to talk process with another artist, especially since she has a completely different approach to paint than I do…

"October Sail"

“October Sail”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Another wind driven day, but crystal clear all the way to the horizon. I had to set up in my van to paint this view as the breeze was almost directly at my face. There were few boats about and those in view were moving extra fast. Their sails readily contrasted against the deep, unpolluted shadows of a distant shore…

“Early Fall”

"Early Fall"

“Early Fall”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This was a tough call about rain or not. Drizzle happened, but only on my drive to the parking area. The sun poked and prodded, but could not get through. My light stayed constant for the few hours I was there, both painting and exploring for other vantage points of view. The only small mishap was an unleashed dog passing by with his master. After a short, cool swim, they had scaled the dune to investigate my work. The dog took the stop as the perfect time to shake water and sand off his coat into my easel case… Drat…

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