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"Scallop Season"

“Scallop Season”

“Scallop Season”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Rain swept in today on a slow horse. I couldn’t get a gallup on in time to cheat it. I scouted various potentials, but they wouldn’t work for sitting in the van to paint. I was about to give it up, until this boat caught my eye as I spun around to leave the parking area. Dark, damp and dreary, the wet brought out the darks and saturated what color still bedecked the landscape. In a minor key, without shadows nor highlights of sun, the color spoke to me…
(In case you’ve been thinking I’ve been slacking off, I have been locked in my studio for more than a week finishing an 18 painting commission of a local golf club, started plein air in April. I have slipped out near sunset to grab a golf cart and revisit a few locations with canvases to refresh some specific points of interest. It has been a grand experience. First the course owned me, but soon enough I realized I was the master and made the paintings in my own landscape language. I’d like to share with you, but probably can’t until they are published in the members book sometime in the next few months. Sorry. I will be done with them in 5 more days and my painting will get back to a regular pace. Thanks for having patience!)

"Chilmark Moon"

“Chilmark Moon”

“Chilmark Moon”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

Sometimes the weather does not cooperate, and sometimes I do not cooperate. This time it was me. I did this painting of the October full moon and wanted to go back and work on the landscape part a bit more. But, the weather closed in and I never got there. So I did go back recently and fixed things up to my liking. Then, I got excited about another piece I was working on and totally forgot about this one until tonight…

"Now We Are Talking"

“Now We Are Talking”

“Now We Are Talking”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I am so glad to slowly get back to painting. For the past week my routine and studio have been totally disrupted. I have hosted a work crew to put down new floors in my living and working space as well as try to finish a herringbone pattern on the new deck floor. I started this piece over a week ago, but then the crew moved in. Between 7am strategy sessions over coffee on the merits of 6″ mahogany decking over 3″, before picking it up at the lumber yard, to finding a bad section of pre-made and laid flooring at 9pm before dinner, life has been full. Now my painting space and time are almost back to normal. Even though it is colder and darker out, I will be relishing every moment outside at my easel. After my last painting where, you may recall, I hung out my laundry for all to see, I received an invitation to come and create at this location. The conversation quickly left the topic of laundry in the dust as we went on to discussed location and view. I was unprepared for this one as I rounded the corner of house and hill and the totality of this grand vista gripped my imagination. I had only come to scout, but was compelled to whip this view onto my canvas…

“Fresh Air”

"Fresh Air"

“Fresh Air”

“Fresh Air”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

The wind has for a few days been strong and from the south. I have found myself working in the lee on the north side of the island. This camp has been a destination quite a few times this spring and summer. I hoped to find someone home to give me permission to create some paintings here. I found it closed for the season on my previous visit. I threw some laundry in the car and drove by for one last try. No one home, so I hung my laundry up and let it dry as I painted the whole scene…

"Schooner Visit"

“Schooner Visit”

“Schooner Visit”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

It was a beautiful day. After being landlocked working on my new deck all week, I yearned for some open sky and water viewing, not to mention painting. This would be the easiest view to get to, but it might not have the best point of interest. Coming around the last corner, I was thrilled to find the masts of a tall ship in the middle of Menemsha Bight…

"Quitsa Sunset, Sailboat"

“Quitsa Sunset, Sailboat”

“Quitsa Sunset, Sailboat”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I parked by the boat launch, hoping for inspiration. A boat sailed by in the far distance. A white sail, so far down the white-to-black value scale it appeared mid-gray against the silhouette of a purple-blue hill behind. It was gone before thought could motivate me out the door. I did get out. The sky began to gently shed it’s spectrum. The yellow leaning toward orange got me going. I caught it there, at that spot, on my canvas. But that was nothing. It went on and on into orange, fire, red, hot coals, deeper, darker, exotic red-blue, purple, stellar blue, as star and moonlight opened up the night…

"Dreams Of Cuttyhunk"

“Dreams Of Cuttyhunk”

“Dreams of Cuttyhunk”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

A chance encounter, passing a friend on a one lane dirt road, lead to permission to paint at this owner-vacant property. There was a ladder left from the day’s carpentry work leaning against the second floor balcony. I didn’t hesitate to use it to capture this sunset view. Thank you, Ted!…

"Autumn Sail To Quitsa"

“Autumn Sail To Quitsa”

“Autumn Sail to Quitsa”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I was working on this early evening painting when a red sailboat passed by. What a treat to catch!…

“Tashmoo View”

"Tashmoo View"

“Tashmoo View”

“Tashmoo View”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

A mellow day faded to a pleasant sunset. As clouds moved in, sunlight danced along edges of blue and gray, saluting the day, heralding the night…

"Summers Paths"

“Summers Paths”

“Summer’s Paths”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

While evening thunderheads cruised past, I enjoyed the waves of beach grass. Turning from summer’s green to autumn’s gold and smudged with spires of golden rod and poison ivy’s red, it was a lively sight to behold…

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