
You are currently browsing articles tagged red.

"Lures Drying"

“Lures Drying”

“Lures Drying”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

The recent weather has been not so good for landscape painting, or fishing. Winds have been strong and my chest waders developed some leaks. I have wanted to paint some of my lures and opportunity pointed in that direction…

"Zen Of Fog"

“Zen Of Fog”

“Zen of Fog”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This was a chancy view to paint. It looked like rain any second, and, well, I would have been better off if it had. I only stayed out for 40 minutes. When I left, my glasses were unusable, all my gear had water droplets on it. My easel was dripping rivulets onto my palette. My roll of paper towels, you know how much water Bounty holds, I had to unroll it to dry at home! If it had just rained, I would have gotten the hint much faster. The colors were so stimulating in their spring mode yet soften by the fog and distance. I have painted this path before. It actually goes up and down the dune and also around it to the left, in case you don’t feel like up and down. However, in this light it has an other worldly feeling to it.…

"Foggy Light"

“Foggy Light”

“Foggy Light”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Fog is a wondrous phenomena. It can impart mystery, define distances, distort colors, and sometimes get you wet! I started this painting a few weeks ago, between then and now this was the next foggy day. I motored up to the lighthouse to polished off this piece. Then headed down to find and paint my next foggy image, which should appear here, tomorrow…

"7pm, Here They Come"

“7pm, Here They Come”

“7pm, Here They Come”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I was enjoying the subtle sunset light at Eastville Beach while trying to decide where to go to paint. Well… why go anywhere else! As it was cold and windy, I started work in my van. Still getting use to the time change, I sort of hoped that a ferry might pass into my scene. I was not sure what boat or from which direction it might appear. This is the “Nantucket”, built in 1974. It services the Vineyard in winters and its name sake island in summers. A worthy subject for today’s painting…

"Edgartown Great Pond"

“Edgartown Great Pond”

“Edgartown Great Pond”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

Today was a cold breezy one. After choosing this subject, I realized I would have to sit in my car and paint. Although this boat is floating, it has a lot of water in it from last weekend’s rains. It is lower than normal with no waterline showing…

"Summer Slips"

“Summer Slips”

“Summer Slips”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

It was blowy and rainy. Yet, up tight against the Menemsha gas station, I was in my element and not the elements…

"Where Nighthawks Fly"

“Where Nighthawks Fly”

“Where Nighthawks Fly”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

At this time of year, standing and observing in one place a few hours in the evenings may be both cold and exciting depending upon weather and location. This eve I was out of the breeze, but bundled in vest, scarf, parka, snow pants and hat with my back against a stonewall with thicket behind. Although I have often come and painted 15 or 20 canvases within 100 feet of here, this view had never caught my eye. Usually I like to set up in front of the large cedar on the left and face the full field to the right where a beautiful, wind-shaped oak tree is silhouetted against pond, dune and sky. About a week ago I did one of those paintings and was serenaded by a Nighthawk as I bundled my gear into the van in near darkness. A friend contacted me from his vacation in Thailand to inquire as to whether it might be a Woodcock I was hearing and not a Common Nighthawk. I love birds and the two most expensive apps on my iPhone are the Audubon Bird Guide and iBird Plus Guide. Both are excellent and also include bird sounds and songs. Having listened to each bird song on both Guides many times, I admit, Roger had stumped me… Woodcock, “peeent” or Nighthawk “peeent”. Just as last time, at 20 minutes after sundown I heard my first “peeent”. I turned my iPhone into a recorder and walked about the field recording ” peeents”. I turned on each bird’s song from the guides and tried to lure “it” in. I lay down on the ground and did it again straining to see one fly over me. I hid behind the cedar then walked down and back the field lane. I could see no bird, but got some great recordings. I am thinking by the rapid movements and changes of location of “peeents” that it might be a Common Nighthawk after all and not a Woodcock, but…

"Slow on the Creek"

“Slow on the Creek”

“Slow On The Creek”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

The buoy angle let me know it was just around high tide on Menemsha Creek. When the waters rush in or out, the buoy not only is almost submerged by the push on it, but it lists at more than 45º. (I always wonder how much weight is holding it in place on the bottom of the Creek.) As the rain squall moved in I had to totally close my windows to keep dry. The wet brings out color and more contrast in the landscape, just as the gray of the clouds dulls the blue-green of the Creek and forces the any other colors forward. I was especially needing something red to paint in all the rain at the end of this day and the channel marker was just right…

"Bait Barrels"

“Bait Barrels”

“Bait Barrels”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

It was cold and blowing outside. I stayed in my van and painted this scene. Just before, my fisherman friend left his vessel and headed home for the day. The harbor remained quiet. As I worked a detail of US Coast Guardsmen and k-9 marched behind me out to their boat for practice maneuvers…



“Abandoned”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

This abandoned boat by the Old Hunt Place has caught my eye for a few months. With the fog coming in and out, then in again, it seemed like a good, overcast day to paint here. I found some bluebirds on the way and otters and a large flock of Canada Geese patrolling along the waterway behind the dunes. All the while I was serenaded by the sounds of surf just over the horizon…

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